
September 17, 2013

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Greece Accepts Donation From "Greece Debt Free", Cancels 2-mln in Debt

Greece on Tuesday announced a debt write-off worth 2.0 million euros, following a donation that was made by "Greece Debt Free" (GDF), a non-profit and non-political organisation based in the US, designed to help enterprises and individuals in taking action to help reduce Greece's national debt to sustainable levels. .

Alternate Finance Minister Christos Staikouras signed a ministerial decision under which the Greek state accepted the donation of Greek state bonds purchased by "Greece Debt Free", and proceeded with the cancellation of the bonds, writing off public debt worth 2.0 million euros from the country's public debt. A report from the state news agency said that the Greek minister thanked the non-profit organization for this powerful symbolic initiative and stressed that "such initiatives highlight the timeless power of Hellenism".

GDF said its aim was to become a transparent platform helping citizens to take the national debt in their hands, allowing them to participate in a democratic and collective solution to the crisis.
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