


June 5, 2013

Anti-Racism Bill From Golden Dawn - To Fight Discrimination Against Greeks!

Hitting back at plans at the forces that are pressuring the government to ratify an unconstitutional anti-racism law, the Golden Dawn party submitted its own draft bill on Tuesday which aims to fight "racism against Greeks". Their proposal wants to jail illegal immigrants that have been convicted of crimes for up to 10 years.

There have been many talks and debates over the last two weeks about this law, and the leftist parties in Greece are pressuring the government to support their proposal which is not only unconstitutional, but was also rejected by the State Legislation Committee.

Also, most citizens in Greece do not think the law is necessary since Greece already has a law that basically covers all the points outlined by the EU on racism anyway. So why is the left in such a frenzy over this law? Basically, the law is an attempt to rein in Golden Dawn, which has tapped into widespread anger against austerity and corruption to become the third most popular party in the country.

One of the reasons it has become very popular with the people is because of its support on national issues, its respect to the Hellenic Armed Forces, the Orthodox Church, the small gestures it does everyday to help citizens, as well as how it advocates for Greece's culture and heritage.

In a statement, Golden Dawn said that:
     "The only racism that exists at this moment in the country is racism against Greeks."
The party proposed jailing anyone who entered the country illegally - even if they later obtained a legal permit - for at least three months with a sentence of at least 10 years if they subsequently committed a felony.
    "The foreign criminals who have killed our compatriots have been convicted for serious crimes but are still free. Golden Dawn's proposal will immediately solve this problem by sending every illegal immigrant who violates the law to prison."
Meanwhile, coalition partners PASOK and DIMAR have jointly submitted their own bill that toughens penalties for inciting racial hatred, denying the Holocaust or carrying out attacks.

On its part, the New Democracy party states that it plans to amend existing racism laws.

In other words... A Big Mess!

Nonetheless the Greek Parliament is expected to vote on the above and/or any other proposals in the coming weeks.