Never in human history has this wonderful planet and its inhabitants been subjected to such an evil satanic regime! Never since its creation has an organisation create so much damage to its environment, government, people, finances and it industrial base and kept us all at war chasing non existent terrorists!
Peter Eyre
Broadcaster – Investigative Journalist
Middle East Consultant – Political Analysis
In my last article I discussed some aspects of the religious side of the New World Order and then continued into the fiscal infrastructure.
One must understand that although the Rothschild s, Rokkerfella’s and many others form this evil satanic organisation it is the Crown Templar and Rome that truly administrate this vast empire in both the fiscal and judiciary sense.
We now all fully understand that most of the world’s Reserve Banks or Central Banks are nothing more than private sector financial institution with most coming under the control of the Rothschild’s, add to that the fact that governments are basically corporate institutions and one can see how massive fraud and corruption runs rife.
Bankers and Politicians run the largest criminal enterprise that has ever existed. Dark secrets and criminal conspiracies between politicians and bankers are what impoverish the people. It is all executed through what is known today as the Central Banking System, a privately owned enterprise made of privately owned banks that are tied into the geopolitical spectrum. Secret funds and secret controls with market manipulation, that in dire secret, steal from the masses.
The people are never taught about money, what it is and how it works. The people never know how they are entrapped into being chattels and slaves of bankers. The people are not allowed to know that the operations of banks today is all based on the fraudulent use of licenses banks hold that allow them their special and privileged position in Society. The people are not allowed to know that when a bank forecloses on a mortgage and takes possession of a home, that in fact and in law, this is theft and fraud.
The banks are almost never a party in interest.
The banks use administrative procedures to steal the hard won property of the home owner. The people are not allowed to know that when a bank lends money on a secured loan, that the bank never actually loaned them anything. What the bank did was simply ledger the loan as a debt of the National Treasury and as an asset of the bank. This is fraud against the People and theft against the National Treasury. The People have no idea how much Banks steal from them.
As promised here is the list of those private sector banks that are directly controlled by the Rothschild’s:
The Rothschild-Owned Central Banks of the World
- Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
- Albania: Bank of Albania
- Algeria: Bank of Algeria
- Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
- Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
- Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
- Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
- Austria: Austrian National Bank
- Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
- Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
- Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
- Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
- Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
- Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
- Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
- Belize: Central Bank of Belize
- Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
- Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
- Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
- Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
- Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Botswana: Bank of Botswana
- Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
- Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
- Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
- Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
- Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
- Cameroon: Bank of Central African States
- Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada
- Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
- Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
- Chad: Bank of Central African States
- Chile: Central Bank of Chile
- China: The People’s Bank of China
- Colombia: Bank of the Republic
- Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
- Congo: Bank of Central African States
- Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
- Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
- Croatia: Croatian National Bank
- Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
- Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
- Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
- Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
- Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
- East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
- Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
- Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
- El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
- Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
- Estonia: Bank of Estonia
- Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
- European Union: European Central Bank
- Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
- Finland: Bank of Finland
- France: Bank of France
- Gabon: Bank of Central African States
- The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
- Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
- Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
- Ghana: Bank of Ghana
- Greece: Bank of Greece
- Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
- Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
- Guyana: Bank of Guyana
- Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
- Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
- Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
- Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
- Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
- India: Reserve Bank of India
- Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
- Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
- Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
- Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
- Israel: Bank of Israel
- Italy: Bank of Italy
- Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
- Japan: Bank of Japan
- Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
- Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
- Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
- Korea: Bank of Korea
- Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Latvia: Bank of Latvia
- Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
- Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
- Libya: Central Bank of Libya
- Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
- Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
- Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
- Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
- Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
- Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
- Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
- Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
- Malta: Central Bank of Malta
- Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
- Mexico: Bank of Mexico
- Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
- Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
- Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
- Morocco: Bank of Morocco
- Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
- Namibia: Bank of Namibia
- Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
- Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
- Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
- New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
- Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
- Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
- Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
- Norway: Central Bank of Norway
- Oman: Central Bank of Oman
- Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
- Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
- Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
- Philippines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
- Poland: National Bank of Poland
- Portugal: Bank of Portugal
- Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
- Romania: National Bank of Romania
- Russia: Central Bank of Russia
- Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
- San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
- Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
- Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
- Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
- Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
- Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
- Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
- Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
- Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
- Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
- South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
- Spain: Bank of Spain
- Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
- Sudan: Bank of Sudan
- Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
- Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
- Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
- Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
- Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
- Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
- Thailand: Bank of Thailand
- Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
- Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
- Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
- Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
- Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
- Uganda: Bank of Uganda
- Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom: Bank of England
- United States: The Dirty Nasty Stinky Fed, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
- Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
- Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
- Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
- Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
- Zambia: Bank of Zambia
- Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
By now you are probably on the floor having been bowled over by the sheer size of this skullduggery but this is only just touching the surface, as an example they talk about the national debt of America as being something in the region of US $16 trillion but this is far from the truth.
I believe the factual debt could be three or four times above this with the Reserve Bank actually owing much more when it did not pay interest on a hidden loan of “Gold Bullion” (that was stolen during WW2) at the rate of 4%, if one could picture thousands if not millions of tonnes of gold at today’s prices and then calculate the interest of 4% over a 50 year period (that has never been paid) you can see that the total combined national debt of the US is well and truly unsustainable and in actual fact could never be paid back i.e. an infinite permanent debt!!!
I believe the factual debt could be three or four times above this with the Reserve Bank actually owing much more when it did not pay interest on a hidden loan of “Gold Bullion” (that was stolen during WW2) at the rate of 4%, if one could picture thousands if not millions of tonnes of gold at today’s prices and then calculate the interest of 4% over a 50 year period (that has never been paid) you can see that the total combined national debt of the US is well and truly unsustainable and in actual fact could never be paid back i.e. an infinite permanent debt!!!
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Yes another NWO imbecile - credit - eyreinternational |
Back to the main theme again:
Don’t you find it so hard to believe that those that were/are so critical of Nazi War Crimes (the Zionists and the Church) are all in bed together when it comes to the New World Order!!!
Let’s again look as to how this Zionist Controlled, Nazi Controlled, Crown Templar Controlled and Jesuit Controlled New World Order came together and as usual use the USA as a template in its development and how the “true axis of evil” is in actual fact the City of London and Rome who basically control it all.
No better way to demonstrate some of their skullduggery than to open up a chapter on the Bush regime who in actual fact are not Bush’s at all but a German Nazi family called the Scherff’s. George H Schreff Sr who was born and bred in Germany had extremely close ties with notable Nazi’s of the period. He had a son called George H Scherff Jr, otherwise known to you as George HW Bush (Sr), later to become the 41st President of the United States but maybe this is racing along too quickly so lets turn back the clock and see how all this ties in with the banking system in the US as we see it today.
This extract by Don Nicoloff:
Don’t you find it so hard to believe that those that were/are so critical of Nazi War Crimes (the Zionists and the Church) are all in bed together when it comes to the New World Order!!!
Let’s again look as to how this Zionist Controlled, Nazi Controlled, Crown Templar Controlled and Jesuit Controlled New World Order came together and as usual use the USA as a template in its development and how the “true axis of evil” is in actual fact the City of London and Rome who basically control it all.
No better way to demonstrate some of their skullduggery than to open up a chapter on the Bush regime who in actual fact are not Bush’s at all but a German Nazi family called the Scherff’s. George H Schreff Sr who was born and bred in Germany had extremely close ties with notable Nazi’s of the period. He had a son called George H Scherff Jr, otherwise known to you as George HW Bush (Sr), later to become the 41st President of the United States but maybe this is racing along too quickly so lets turn back the clock and see how all this ties in with the banking system in the US as we see it today.
This extract by Don Nicoloff:
What we are taught about history in American schools is not history, but a fairy tale. Better yet, it is propaganda designed to hoodwink an unsuspecting society about its true heritage and the treasonous acts and sabotage that were conceived in order to bring about a New World Order. You are about to learn the real identities of those who have infiltrated your nation on behalf of secret societies intent on bringing about the total slavery of mankind.
In the past, others have written about the numerous conspiracies to control natural resources, energy, food and our sovereign right to live on planet Earth - not as slaves of a wealthy few - but as free men, women, and children exercising the free will given to them by God.
Imagine you were a member of a secret organization whose sole agenda was to control the entire planet. If your plan was to accomplish this goal without being perceived by your intended victims, discretion would be paramount. Your organization would devise a series of historical events that, on the surface, would appear to be everyday, happenstance occurrences (natural disasters, man-made diseases, acts of murder, assassination, terror, manipulation of money and energy supplies, contamination of foods, pollution of natural resources, and war). The timing of these events would require patience, careful planning, cooperation from others in positions of trust, stealth and deceit. In essence, the whole mission must derive its power through deception and concealment and must have a master plan.
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At the turn of the 20th century, a plan to slowly take over the government of the United States began to unfold. Many works have been written about the Nazi machine that instigated two world wars, though few have traced the footsteps of the foreign financiers and the actors we prefer to call “politicians.”
A brief glance at shipping records, passenger manifests, and financial transactions on Wall Street indicates a pattern of deception which was masterminded by this same machine. The level of cooperation from government agencies and their elected officials was not only disgraceful, but blatantly treasonous.
The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. The architect of the plan, Paul M. Warburg, was a representative of the Rothschild banks in England and France and his brother Felix headed the Warburg banks in Germany and the Netherlands.
A secret meeting between Republican Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and six of the most powerful bankers in the world took place and this meeting had to be conducted in a secret, clandestine island location (Jekyll Island) which indicates the level of deception, concealment - and treason.
Paul Warburg, a German national, spoke English well enough to craft a financial document (a volume consisting of 1,750 pages) resulting in the Federal Reserve Act designed to control the finances of the United States (from Europe) was no small feat. Of particular interest was how Warburg was able to establish these important connections prior to his arrival in the U.S. in 1913 and then orchestrate this financial coup. Warburg had to have known his co-conspirators before coming to America.
Of special interest in this October 13, 1903 passenger manifest, is the fact that other prominent passengers in the elite financial community were also on the same passenger manifest such as Harry Sachs (of Goldman Sachs fame).
These Germans and many other German bankers formed the backbone of the current US Banking system that to this very day continues to rape the country that gave them a home (as it did with ex Nazi and SS members) and start the foundation blocks of the CIA and other covert outlets that we now call the New World Order.
Later another very famous figure arrived on the shores America, that being Nikola Tesla, a scientist who would not only create some wonderful inventions but also who would be spied upon and have all his creations stolen, one of those inventions would turn into the most satanic weapons in existence (HAARP) and be taken over by the US Military, it was Tesla who eventually was joined by George H Scherff (Sr), George H. Scherff.
Scherff often advised Tesla about pending patent litigation, contracts, proposals, demonstrations and financial affairs.
As Tesla worked on secret U.S. government projects at Colorado Springs, Colorado, Scherff communicated to Tesla the status of his business affairs. Tesla spoke of hopeful, future financial successes, though Scherff repeatedly delivered the news of dwindling funds. Tesla had begun construction of a wireless power transmission tower (“Wardenclyffe,” Shoreham, Long Island) with funds invested by J.P. Morgan.
When Morgan discovered that the tower would transmit free electricity and radio waves, he cancelled the project and had the tower dismantled, then sold for scrap. Morgan was not about to allow Americans to receive free electricity, television and radio. Tesla was devastated when he received the news.
It should be noted that even in those dark days the Zionist kept everything under lock and key as they do to this day and so J.P.Morgan canned the whole thing as you can see, it is ironic that to this day many such inventions exist that could bring us very cheap or free electricity but the New World Order cabal have every invention and patent under their thumb!
It may come as no surprise to learn that George Scherff (Sr) had connections with the Rockefellars as well as interlocked interests with J.P. Morgan and other German interests.
Friends and acquaintances of Nikola Tesla recall him complaining about Scherff’s son, George, Jr., always snooping around Tesla’s lab. George being George Bush (Sr). Tesla caught the 14-year old Scherff looking at his notes, poring through his books, and stealing small items from his lab.
Tesla gave him the nickname, “Curious George” and likened him to a “mischievous monkey.”
According to Skorzeny, (Adolph Hitler’s former bodyguard) in a deathbed confession to Eric “Orion” (Eric Berman) in S. Miami, Florida, Tesla, “hated the younger Scherff.”
In short, Otto Skorzeny claimed that the true identity of George H.W. Bush was “George H. Scherff, Jr., the son of Nikola Tesla’s illegal-immigrant, German-born accountant, George H. Scherff, Sr.”
This was not the only bombshell Otto Skorzeny delivered that day in late-1999. Skorzeny, producing a shoe box full of 60-years worth of his personal photographs, showed them to Berman, describing each one in great detail.
The collection featured a photo of a young, majestic Skorzeny in full S.S. Nazi military dress, next to his Fuhrer, Adolph Hitler. Then there were photos of Reinhard Gehlen (S.S. spy and assassin) Dr. Joseph Mengele (the “Angel of Death”) Martin Bormann (Hitler aide and S.S. assassin) and Adolph Hitler (photographed in 1997).
Does this mean that not only did the US President and Government allow German Nazi and German SS war criminals into the US illegally but also allowed a very much alive Adolf Hitler to reside there until his death?
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According to Otto Skorzeny, pictured above is the Scherff family and a few friends (circa 1938). Holding “Mother” Scherff’s hand at left is Martin Bormann. In front is Reinhardt Gehlen. In back is Joseph Mengele and to his right is Skorzeny as a young man. At center right (in the German navy uniform) is George H. Scherff, Jr. and his father George H. Scherff, Sr. Bormann became Hitler’s second in command.
Reinhardt Gehlen was a chief SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany under Operation Paperclip. Skorzeny was Hitler’s bodyguard and SS spy/assassin who came to the U.S. after the war under Project Paperclip. Skorzeny and GHW Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with “Wild Bill” Donovan and Allen Dulles.
These guys were also part of CIA mind control experiments such as MK-ULTRA.
SS officer and physician Joseph Mengele, the notoriously sadistic “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz, escaped Germany to South America after the war. George H. Scherff, Jr., became the 41st President of the United States as GHW Bush and George H. Scherff, Sr., was Nicola Tesla’s “trusted assistant.”
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In the family photo, a young Scherff and Bormann both sported a German Navy uniform. Scherff later enlisted in the U.S. Navy as “George H.W. Bush.”
In even greater detail, Otto Skorzeny described how (“contrary to the CIA-written history books”) he helped Hitler escape to Austria in a plane flown by a female pilot, Hanna Reitsch.
“Hitler did not commit suicide,” Skorzeny recounted. “His double was shot between the eyes, and the dental records proved he was not Hitler. The Americans kept it a secret, worried the truth might anger the Russians.”Eric “Orion” (Berman), in a live radio interview on Republic Broadcasting Network, January 17, 2006, detailed how: “Skorzeny died on December 31, 1999. His body was cremated, I have a copy of his death certificate, and I saw his ashes. After the war, he helped George Bush found the CIA through Operation Paperclip and ODESSA.”
It is said that Scherff either murdered or assassinated Tesla and much more startling information came out as to the names used by many ex Nazi/SS members of staff once they settled in the US.
Here is part of that statement:
Skorzeny did not stop with these soul-cleansing disclosures. He went on to describe the aliases of himself Frank Edward P, of south Florida (according to Berman, who claims he is trying to protect Skorzeny’s daughter), Reinhard Gehlen (Hank Janowicz, Wayne, N.J.), and Dr. Joseph Mengele (Steven Rabel).
According to Berman, “Gehlen was tipped off by the FBI about Skorzeny’s unveiling of his identity and location, and Gehlen (Janowicz) then went into hiding. Mengele (Rabel), through a series of anti-aging hormone injections, a black hairpiece, and ‘cannibalism’ had maintained a youthful appearance.”
Berman had contacted the U.S. Justice Department to inform them that Nazi spies were being harbored by certain factions of the U.S. intelligence agencies, in particular, the CIA.
“My thoughts were that, uh, I needed to try to bring these wanted SS Nazi war criminal, holocaust killers - terrorists, basically - to justice. I wanted to call our government and tell ‘em, ‘Hey, that they’re still alive.’ I wanted to bring ‘em to justice. That was my whole intention. I initially had contacted, or tried to contact Eli Rosenbaum, who was the Director of the United States Justice Department, Office of Special Investigations. Basically, they, uh, thought it was a hoax and they told me that I was mistaken, and that according to the CIA, ‘all of them were all dead and I was mistaken.’ That’s what they told me. I was wrong."Don’t you find it hypocritical to learn that Israel, especially those that attempted to hunt down those involved in the holocaust, knew about all this activity and met the Bush family with open arms, could it be that we are all living in a dream of fairy-tales and that Israel and some of their political elite are all part of the same cabal? For my part I have always thought this!
George HW Bush as you know became part of the CIA and who better suited when he was born on a background of Nazi/SS hatred and suppression and then along came his “Brain Dead Son” George Bush Jr (George Scherff Jr the second) later to become another US President and who took everyone on one permanent war campaign which continues to this day!
The United States developed on the backbone of the Crown Templar, Jesuit influence (linked with Freemasonry), Zionist Mafia (both Cristian and Jewish), German Nazi/SS and such powerful families as the Rothschild’s and the Rokkafella’s etc and between them and their counterparts in London and Rome created the New World Order that exists to this day.
In my next article (Part 4) I will cover their aims and objectives followed by how they actually control the US, Canada, UK, EU, Australia and all the old Great British Empire, British Commonwealth countries etc via their vast International Judiciary/Banking, mechanism in London/Rome, their Zionist based organisations and the many think tanks that basically advise and control governments. You will be shocked to learn that in the true sense you have no Independent Sovereign State and your Constitutions and Bill of Rights are not worth the paper they are written on!