


April 18, 2013

SOROS STRIKES AGAIN - Skopje Irredentist Claims - Says 700,000 FYROManians Living in Greece

In the wake of a Commission report on the FYROM that underlines the country's "good" relations with its neighbors, the Foreign Ministry of FYROM removed information from its website that was seen as irredentist (and SCANDALOUS) by Bulgaria and Greece.

According to Bulgarian news reports, the FYROManian Foreign Ministry removed a document containing “estimates” on the number of “Macedonians” living in Bulgaria and Greece from its website. The information -which was suddenly removed- said "750,000 Macedonians live in Bulgaria and 700,000 in Greece."

These figures are obviously seen both in Sofia and in Athens as grounds for future territorial claims. In Bulgaria, the latest census in 2011 showed that 1,654 Bulgarian nationals identified themselves as FYROManians. No ethnic FYROManians were counted in Greece's last census.

The Bulgarian daily Trud, said that this information was removed from the FYROM Foreign Minister just a little while before the publication of the EU Commission report. However, the modified document can be found on the slav - FYROManian language version of the website, in the section "Diaspora", then down to “Повръзани документи”, and clickable on „Список за Броjност, Лекторати и Здружениjа”.

Meanwhile, the EU which continually turns a blind eye on matters that deal with FYROM, especially Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule, tabled a much-awaited report on the FYROM on April 16, commissioned by EU ministers last December to assess the state of relations of the candidate country with its neighbours, Greece and Bulgaria in particular.

The report underscores the on-going implementation of reforms and says the country is largely back on track, after the political crisis of January-February.
    "Relations with neighbours remained good and steps have been taken on the bilateral relations with Bulgaria and Greece. Formal talks on the name issue under the UN auspices took on new momentum during the reporting period. The UN Secretary-General's Special Representative tabled another proposal last week in talks in New York with the two negotiators and hope that this can lead to agreement,” the Commission statement says.
Diplomats on the other hand hold an entirely different opinion. In fact they told EurActiv that the assessment by Fule’s office was way too optimistic (and suspicious we would add).

And this is because Bulgaria has held four rounds of talks with the FYROM in an effort to agree on series of measures for improving bilateral relations and there has been no improvement. In fact Bulgaria is not satisfied with the results at all. As for Greece. Well we all know, have seen, and experienced (George Soros) backed propaganda against our country and especially the area of northern Greece. What does it take for policy makers to wake up? FYROM has raised a statue of Alexander the Great, it has constructed buildings in Skopje made to purposely resemble ancient Greek, they stole the Star of Vergina to decorate their national flag and they have published a plethora of maps showing FYROM and the area of Macedonia being one country. Isn't this more than enough evidence to convince even the biggest skeptic that this country has expansionist ideas and designs against our country? Obviously it is, so why are these politicians turning a blind eye?

(Are they being bought out? Hmmm.... Just a thought).

But if you really think about it what does it take for some hot heads in Brussels, or even in Washington, to realize that we are not sheeple and know very well what they are trying to do. Only big powers shift boarders and never once care about what repercussions this can have on the geopolitical position of nations, as well as the people living there.

The only person capable of such influence in our opinion is George Soros, who has funded many NGO's in this area of the Balkans in order to push towards this development. So is it therefore safe to assume that these politicians have sold their souls to Soros? (If it quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it must be a damned duck!)

Well next time you go to the polls, you know who to vote for Europe. (And just between us... We hope that Mr. (pro-FYROM) Fule has another profession... Because we believe that his days are numbered at the EU Commission.)