


March 19, 2013

Theodorakis - Will Greece Side With EU or Cyprus?

"What will they do" said Mikis Theodorakis from the hospital where he is currently recovering from a lung infection, when referring to the Greek government "will they side with Cyprus or Europe?"

In a statement he said:
   "The brave resistance of Cyprus to fiercely attack Germany and its allies exposes strikes the Greek coalition government."
   "Honestly, what will they do? Will they side with Cyprus or with Europe?"
   "It is obvious that the European attack (against the divided island) has as its primary purpose the Cyprus (natural gas) deposits. The (Europeans) followed, and are following, the same in our country, against our people, with the destructive policies applied in Greece (which has already covered 50% of its course). We should expect even bigger hits in the future".
   "I believe that this strategic disadvantage (the existence of reserves) should be turned into a strategic advantage."
   "That is why it is required that we form a common front with Cyprus, on all matters, and at the same time form economic cooperation with countries outside of Europe concerning the joint exploitation of mineral deposits."
Article in Greek - parapolitika