


March 15, 2013

SYRIZA Says Greek Gov't Is Prey To Its Lenders

the logo of syriza
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Main opposition SYRIZA on Friday said in an announcement that despite Prime Minister Antonis Samaras' personal pledge that the government will not adopt any more austerity measures, the plans for the continuation of the special real estate surtax collected via DEH electricity bills, (or the Greek Power Company PPC), indicates (in SYRIZA's opinion) the total political unreliability of the Samaras government, which SYRIZA says is prey to Greece's creditors.

SYRIZA also said that the special real estate surtax, the abolition of which was presented to be a red line between the government and the Troika, was in fact Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras' recommendation.

The announcement said that the adoption of new measures via the infamous "exclusion clauses" is the next step for the government, which he noted is hostage to a program that has failed in all its targets and which has left behind a devastated society and economy.

The problem for the government, added the announcement, is not the 500,000 household without any income or the 1.5 million jobless or the closure of hundreds of thousands of shops, but how it will implement to the end a program of disaster and devastation.