


March 7, 2013

SUSPICIOUS - Soros Donates Heating Oil To Schools In Thessaloniki

47th Munich Security Conference 2011: George S...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Municipal authorities in Thessaloniki decided to accept a donation to heat its schools by hedge fund guru George Soros. Nonetheless they are suspicious as to why he would make such a donation seeing that he has a pro-FYROM stance. Indeed, the Wall Street billionaire decided to donate 50-90 tonnes of heating oil to several public schools that were in need, according to an article in the Dimokratia newspaper.

The newspaper reported that the proposal was formally presented -via a letter- to Thessaloniki Mayor Yiannis Boutaris from George Soros' Open Society Foundation, and according to alderman Benjamin Karakostanoglou the motion was accepted right away, but with caution, because of Soros' well-known stance on the issue of FYROM.

Vice-mayor Chasdai Capon was quoted as saying that just because Boutaris accepted the offer, does not mean that we are also accepting that FYROM should be named Macedonia.

Maybe so... But George Soros doesn't just hand out money because of a bleeding heart, when he rubs your back Mr. Capon, at some time or another you have to rub it back!

It is a shame that the Greek Diaspora did not make this offer, and allowed people such as Soros to do so.

Also shame on Boutaris for accepting this.