


March 10, 2013

Sparta Wants To Make V.Putin An Honorary Citizen

The mayor of Sparta Mr. Stavros Argeitakos recently announced that he wants to make Russian President Vladimir Putin an honorary citizen of his city. Speaking to, Mr. Argeitakos revealed that the decision follows an initiative of the Foundation of Greek and Russian Cooperation and that the process actually (unofficially) began more than four years ago.

"He is fond of Spartan education, history and culture, and as an Orthodox Christian he has all the prerequisites to become an honorary citizen of our city," added Mr. Argeitakos. But in order to do so, added the Sparta mayor, Putin would have to visit the south Peloponnese city!

According to Argeitakos Mr. Putin is aware of this proposal, and the Russian embassy in Athens has also been notified as well.

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