


March 3, 2013

Shocking Email From EU Sounds Alarm - Greece Can Turn Into Next Syria - Real or Fake?

As if Greece did not have enough to handle, a controversial email, that was released on Saturday, apparently warns European officials who are planning to visit Greece, to be extra alert of unprecedented riots (and other such chaos). The details of the email, as shown below, are indeed shocking, but it is still not clear whether the mail is genuine or forged.

Similar notices have already been issued to IMF officials who routinely come to Greece, but this particular warning also talks about taking even more safety precautions. In fact the Commission officials who visit Greece are given a number of ways to maximize their safety, which is supposedly under some kind of danger from the bad Greeks. (Oh brother....)

Like we said earlier, it is not known whether the email is genuine or just a bad joke, but it is certainly worth analyzing because it "verbally" expresses concern over deaths (!) -as a result of social unrest-, while it also presents the ways and means of escaping the country that sound more like a scenario from war-torn Iraq or Syria.

Here is the email, as presented in Greek on defencenet:
Dear sir
   This note is confidential, for your information. Contact information has been removed for reasons of safety of people involved. There is some additional information (only orally distributed), shared with IMF staff, in regard with intelligence collected, concerning violent riots in Athens in March, with Xs (the number mentioned is not possible to communicate) deads.
   Kind request for discretional treatment.
   FYI, this is the first travel advice ever issued by the Commission for a mission of officials to a member state.
Greek employees of the Commission have been severely upset and they read very carefully the recommendations also for their own safety whenever they will have to travel and accommodate back home.

Kind regards,

Concerning your mission to Athens we would like to send you some recommendations and additional information about your stay in Athens.
What follows is security advice and tips recommended by the Security Directorate.


Before you set off, inform the Representation and the Security Directorate that you will be on a mission in the country.

Remain informed.
  • Due to frequent strikes, be prepared to change travel plans or means of transport in case of disruptions. For information on possible disruptions to flights you can contact Eleftherios Venizelos airport information on +30 2103530000.
  • As for mass transport strikes (metro, buses, taxis, etc.), the Athens Representation (+30 210 7272000) or your hotel reception should be able to provide reliable, up-to-date information.

Stay away from protests & demonstrations.
  • In a politically sensitive time, even the mildest reaction can be misinterpreted by protesters. You are advised not to go near or through demonstrations, in order to gain access to the building where your meeting takes place; if necessary cancel your meeting.
  • Be aware of and avoid places where demonstrators usually rally or head towards, such as the Syntagma, Omonia and Klafthmonos Squares, the area of Exarchia and the Polytechnic University.
  • If you do find yourself in the midst of a demonstration, avoid drawing attention to yourself and seek shelter in the nearest commercial establishment.

If a demonstration prevents you from exiting the meeting premises, wait.
  • Do not stand next to windows or in the building’s lobby, watching the protest; your presence might provoke aggressive reaction from protesters.
  • Close the windows of the room you are in, so as not to be affected by the possible use of tear gas by the police.
  • For a safe departure, await the demonstration’s dispersal, or follow the instructions given by security personnel.

Do not visibly carry indicators of your professional capacity.
  • Beware of documents, identification badges or other objects in plain sight that demonstrate your affiliation with the European institutions.
  • For example, do not visibly wear your Commission badge outside Commission buildings or read Commission papers in public places.

Beware of eavesdropping.
  • Avoid discussing your business issues (meeting venues/times, hotel name, any personal and mission information etc.) in public, on the street, in the metro, while on the phone.
  • Be conscious that you might be overheard.
  • If possible, avoid booking hotels and taxis under the name of the Commission.
  • Take care of your sensitive professional belongings.
  • If you plan to go for a drink, Lunch or dinner after your meeting, do not carry your sensitive documents with you at social venues (bars, restaurants, etc.).

Invent an uninteresting “life story”.
  • The taxi driver driving you to your hotel or the grocery store owner down the street do not have to know that you work for the European institutions.
  • When asked, talk about your previous profession or the one of your best friends.

Handle suspicious packages with care.
  • Packages and letters arriving at the offices of the Athens Representation or the TFGR are systematically screened.
  • If, however, you believe that a package is suspicious (because it has no return address, it has a strange odor or peculiar stains, it has a string or wire protruding from within, its envelope is secured using excessive amounts of duct tape, or for any other reason), request that it is double-checked by the screening staff.

Know and follow emergency procedures.
  • If a security- or a safety-related incident finds you inside a building, follow the evacuation procedures or instructions of the safety personnel.
  • Take note of emergency exits nearest to your room at your hotel.

Keep emergency telephone numbers handy.
  • Have emergency contact information (police, police contact point, Representation, hotel, colleagues etc.) available at all times.
  • The local emergency lines in Greece are 112 for life-threatening emergencies (English-speaking operators), 100 for the Police, 166 for an ambulance, and 199 for the fire brigade.
  • Add ICE (In Case of Emergency) phone number(s) to your phone number list of your mobile phone.
  • Inform mission members or the Representation when and where you are going to include during after-work hours.

Remain vigilant. Exercise commonsense safety precautions to mitigate the risk of petty crime.
  • Pay close attention to your surroundings and be cautious of attempts on the street to elicit personal or professional information from you or distract you as part of a petty crime attempt.
  • If you think someone is following or observing you, go to the nearest place which is well-lit or busy and call the police.

Report any suspicious behavior.
  • Any suspicious behavior and unusual incidents are to be reported to the appropriate services.

The above text and instructions certainly raise concern and the EU is obligated to clarify whether or not the content of this email is true or it is simply a product of a bad joke. Because if it is real, then it is certainly a product of provocateurs, because in no way whatsoever is Greece at a stage where it is going to "crack". People have been pushed to the edge but they will not begin killing one another because of it. We are a civilized country for Christ's sake!

Unless, there are groups, or like we said provacateurs who are purposely planning things behind our backs. Remember the incidence at the Marfin bank several years ago -or when Papandreou was in power- when three adults (one of which was three months pregnant) died in a terrible fire at the hands of several crazed anarchists?

Whatever the case all of this is negative for our country's national security and for its image as well.

As far as we know here at HellasFrappe, some extremists (especially on the left) want to ignite chaos, because most of these groups are said to be funded by very wealthy hedge fund giants who have worked hard over the last two years to defame Greece, as well as bring down the entire Eurozone.

We believe that the government has the situation under control, or is at least is fighting towards keeping it under control.

Now that the Norwegians have confirmed vast quantities of oil and natural gas in the Ionian and Crete, we will be a prime target many such situations and for all of those who want these commodities to be traded in their currencies and not the Euro. In fact it would be cheaper for them to purchase these commodities in drachmas and then sell them in dollars and/or Euros. Right? Just the other day we found out that a former (multi-millionaire) former SYRIZA leader is thinking about forming a new political party to purposely drive Greece out of the Euro and take it back to the drachma.

This particular politician is filthy rich, but yet talks about spreading the wealth, much like most socialist-wannabes do. You know... The champagne and caviar socialists versus the bread and water conservatives.

The thought of Greece returning to the drachma is certainly shocking because if this were to happen at this point -with a Greece in its sixth year of recession- then it would certainly be the end of us. The oligarchs will increase their money ten-fold because they have removed it from Greece in Euros so when they return it and cash it in drachmas their savings will skyrocket. And all this of course while the numbers of the poor will explode.

If this is how some money makers, or think tanks see our future as a nation, or if this is what they are planning for our nation, in smoke filled boardrooms then so be it. We are a small country, and cannot take on the Big Boys anyway. But giving out such information is insulting, because more than 15 million people every year visit our country and come back again and again because of our hospitality and the security they feel while being here.

Nonetheless we as a people must warn all these so called "provacateurs". When Greeks are threatened, meaning directly threatened, or when this country's borders are questioned, then the opposite of what they want will occur. Greeks unite... In other words, they do not -and will never- turn on each other!

We will be following this story, and other such stories over the next few days. We will also post an update if and when we receive it.