
March 20, 2013

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New Opinion Poll Gives SYRIZA 0.8% Lead Over ND

According to the results in a latest public opinion poll, conducted by MARC for Alpha TV, main opposition SYRIZA is leading by 0.8 percentage points over New Democracy (ND). (The poll was conducted between the period March 13-15 2013).

More exactly, SYRIZA was leading with 23.4 percent, followed by ND with 22.6 percent, ultra-right Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avghi) with 9.7 percent, PASOK with 5.6 percent, Independent Greeks with 5.4 percent, Democratic Left (DIMAR) with 4.7 percent, and the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) with 4.4 percent. About 6.7 percent of respondents expressed support for other parties and the blank and invalid votes and abstention amounted to 17.5 percent.

Asked who is more suitable for prime minister, current Prime Minister Antonis Samaras (and ND leader) was preferred by 47.4 percent of respondents, followed by SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras with 32.4 percent. About 20 percent preferred not to answer.
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