


March 31, 2013

Conspiracy or Truth - Russia Goes On Alert After US Jails Top CIA Spy


A Federal Security Services (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin on Sunday states that the sudden large-scale military exercises ordered by President Putin last week were in “direct response” to the Obama regimes jailing of one of their top CIA operatives who had been in contact with Russian intelligence assets claiming that the United States, with Saudi Arabian support, was preparing a massive “false flag” chemical attack on the nation of Syria.

Russia's surprise, large-scale military exercises on the Black Sea raised alarm among some of its neighbors after Putin sprung the exercises on his military at 4 am Thursday and showed up in person, along with Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, to observe the exercises on Friday. The exercises involve around 30 warships, 7,000 service members and various armored vehicles and artillery.

Putin ordered this massive military show, this FSB report says, after the Obama regime arrested and jailed one of their top CIA agents, named Eric Harroun, who earlier in March warned Russian intelligence operatives in Syria of this mass-death chemical attack plan and who was behind it.
After learning of Agent Harroun’s contact in Syria with his Russian counterparts, this report continues, the Obama regime began a concentrated and directed propaganda campaign against him, including a 15 March story in the Washington Times news service titled “U.S. Army Vet Who Became Jihadist Killed In Syria, Website Claims” alleging that he had been killed.

Far from being killed, however, this report says, Agent Harroun escaped to Turkey where he was apprehended by Turkish intelligence forces and turned over to elements of The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) currently operating in the Arabian War Theater who then flew him back to the US whereupon he was arrested and charged with conspiracy last Wednesday for fighting alongside a Syrian rebel group linked to al-Qaeda.

Important to note about these al-Qaeda linked Syrian rebel groups, FSB analysts in this report say, are that they are the exact same groups secretly funded by Obama at the beginning of last year, and reported by the Reuters news service in their 1 August 2012 article titled “Exclusive: Obama Authorizes Secret U.S. Support For Syrian Rebels”.

Even worse, this report says, is that not only has Obama been secretly funding these al-Qaeda linked Syrian rebel groups, so, also, has Saudi Arabia, whose “bloody fingerprints” are all over the 11 September 2012 attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi Libya which killed 4 Americans, including their Ambassador.

Information confirming Saudi Arabia involvement was released earlier this month to various international news outlets by the mysterious hacker named “Guccifer” who was able to obtain secret emails sent to former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from her top aide Sidney Blumenthal, a 64-year-old journalist who formerly worked as an assistant to then-President Bill Clinton.

In one of the hacked emails confirming Saudi Arabian involvement on the US Consulate attack in Benghazi, and as reported by the RT news service, Blumenthal wrote to Secretary Clinton: 

From there, the source explains that the individual with top-secret intel on the operations were instructed to keep information received from the French DGSE confidential, but that the intel “concerned the funding of the MBM operations and a possible link to the Ansar al Sharia attack on the United States Consulate in Benghazi.”
     “This individual adds that this information provided by the French service indicates that the funding for both attacks originated with wealthy Sunni Islamists in Saudi Arabia. During July and August 2012, these financers provided funds to AQIM contacts in Southern Europe, who in turn passed the money into AQIM operatives in Mauritania. These funds were eventually provided to Ansar al Sharia and its allied militias in the Benghazi region in support of their attack on the US consulate. The money was used to recruit operatives and purchase ammunition and supplies.”
(Check Olympia/gr to cross-reference above if the page does not open, click here)

Not only has the FSB, in this report, connected Agent Harroun with the CIA, the RT news service (which was not opening, but Olympia which featured the same story did) reported on Sunday that this same claim is being made by his father and as we can, in part, read:
    Darryl Harroun, on Thursday told reporters that he doesn’t understand why the US government arrested his son, who he says was working for the Central Intelligence Agency.  He referred to his son as a ‘patriotic’ American who would never get involved with al-Qaeda, and claims he was gathering information for the US government.
    “I know he was doing some work for the CIA over there,”  the man’s father said. “I know for a fact that he was passing information onto the CIA.” After seeing the documents regarding his son’s charges, Harroun told a CBS News reporter that it is all inaccurate and misleading and that the truth will eventually come out, since his son was simply gathering intelligence.
To who is exactly orchestrating this planned mass-death chemical attack upon Syria, this report says, is the Obama regimes Director of the CIA, John Brennan whom a former top FBI counter-terror expert, John Guandolo, stated converted to Islam when he (Director Brennan) was Station Chief in Saudi Arabia during the 1990’s.

Lending credence to Guandolo’s claim of Director Brennan converting to Islam while in Saudi Arabia, this report says, was Director Brennan’s last official act as Obama’s top Department of Homeland Security executive prior to taking over the CIA earlier this month when he granted the Saudi’s entry into his countries “trusted traveler” programme, and as we can, in part, read as reported by the Fox News Service:
    “A Department of Homeland Security program intended to give "trusted traveler" status to low-risk airline passengers soon will be extended to Saudi travelers, opening the program to criticism for accommodating the country that produced 15 of the 19 hijackers behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
    Sources voiced concern about the decision to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, which issued a report Wednesday on the under-the-radar announcement -- which was first made by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano after meeting in January with her Saudi counterpart. According to the IPT, this would be the first time the Saudi government has been given such a direct role in fast-tracking people for entry into the United States.
    "I think you have radical Wahhabism in certain elements in Saudi Arabia, and I think to be more lenient there than in other places would be a mistake," Rep. Frank Wolf told the Investigative Project on Terrorism. "There were 15 [hijackers] from that country, and there is a lot taking place in that region."
    Only an exclusive handful of countries enjoy inclusion in the Global Entry program -- Canada, Mexico, South Korea and the Netherlands. According to the IPT, some officials are questioning why Saudi Arabia gets to reap the benefits of the program, when key U.S. allies like Germany and France are not enrolled; Israel has reached a deal with the U.S., but that partnership has not yet been implemented.”
To when the US-Saudi alliance will launch their mass-death chemical attack on Syria in order to ensure Western military intervention this report doesn’t say.  What it does state, however, is that when this attack occurs, Russia will, without a doubt, be engaged in the opening salvos of World War III.

Sorcha Faal