
March 7, 2013

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Athens Slams Reports From Turkey About Terrorist "Training Camps"

Turkey Flag
(Photo credit: Jeremy Vandel)
Greek foreign ministry spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras slammed reports from the Turkish media which noted a discussion between the Greek and Turkish prime ministers on terrorism earlier this week. Replying to reporters' questions regarding the articles appearing in the Turkish dailies "Hurriyet" and "Haberturk", the foreign ministry spokesman said that their reports were "false and groundless."
   "It appears that someone was irritated by the fact that the two prime ministers had a clear stance on terrorism," he said.
According to "Hurriyet," Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had presented his Greek counterpart Antonis Samaras with "names and photographs from the training of terrorists at a camp in Lavrio." It also claims that during a recent meeting between the two men in Qatar, Erdogan had demanded the dismantling of such camps and the extradition of terrorists to Turkey but the Greek side has denied their existence.
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