


March 29, 2013

Arsonists Once Again Target Home Of Brother Of Gov't Spokesman

A homemade incendiary device exploded shortly before midnight Thursday outside the home of government spokesman Simon Kedikoglou's brother on Strefi Hill in Athens, in a second such attack in less than three months. The homemade bomb exploded at 11:41 p.m., causing minor material damage, according to a state agency news report.

The incendiary device, comprising a small propane canister, was planted at the outside entrance of the three-storey building where Kedikoglou's brother's home and office are housed. Police are seeking the perpetrators.

Another arson attack against the home of Kedikoglou's brother had taken place on the night of January 13, when unknown individuals broke the entrance of the three-storey building and threw a home-made fire bomb, with the ensuing explosion again causing minor damage. Kedikoglou's brother had been at home with his wife and their three-year-old child at the time of the attack.