


March 15, 2013

AHEPA Sends $650,000 in Medical Aid to Chios, Greece

WASHINGTON - The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), a leading membership-based association for the nation's three million American citizens of Greek heritage and Philhellenes, joined with the Chios Society to secure a shipping container filled with more than $650,000 worth of medical and surgical supplies by the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) to aid the people of Greece, announced Supreme President Dr. John Grossomanides. The 40-foot shipping container left the port of Seattle for Piraeus, Greece, and its contents are destined for the Geniko Nosokomeio Xiou on the island of Chios, Greece. This is the fourth container AHEPA has helped to secure thanks to the help of AHEPA member, Philanthropist Stas Margaronis.

"We are proud to team up with the IOCC and the Chios Society to continue our humanitarian assistance to the people of Greece," said Supreme President Dr. Grossomanides. "We sincerely appreciate the generous contribution once again of Stas Margaronis, who helped to secure the shipping container. The AHEPA family continues to work diligently to raise funds to help the people of Greece during this unprecedented humanitarian crisis and will continue to work together with organizations such as the IOCC and Chios Society to provide humanitarian aid."

Within the past six months AHEPA, with the assistance of Mr. Margaronis; the IOCC, the Cretan Society and the Chios Society have collaborated to send four containers of medical supplies with a wholesale value of $2.4 million. Plans are underway to secure two more containers. One would be sent to Crete (it would be the second one sent to Crete as part of this campaign) and the second one would be bound for the Evangelismos Hospital in Athens.

Dr. Grossomanides added, "The need is great. We encourage any efforts that can go toward helping the people of Greece—every bit helps."

Father Jordan Brown of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Portland, Ore., blessed the container bound for Chios at the warehouse of Medical Teams International in Tigard, Ore., March 6, 2013. Present at the ceremony were: Antonia Fikaris, secretary-treasurer, Chios Societies of America, Dave Beltz, director, Commodity Support, Medical Teams International; and Mr. Margaronis, who acknowledged the support of Dimitrios B. Kontolios, supreme president, Chios Societies of America and Canada.

To date, the AHEPA family has raised $200,000 for humanitarian aid for the people of Greece.