


February 12, 2013

PROVOCATION - Lesvos Teacher Tells Students They Are Descendants Of Arabs & Turks

When we here at HellasFrappe say that our BIGGEST enemy is some of our very own people, we are not kidding. We already know of DIMAR MP Maria Repousi, who is not ashamed to show that she is pro-Turkey, and who several years ago was in the spotlight for altering Greek history in grade school textbooks about the Greek genocides in the Black Sea and Smyrna, or even proposing that certain Greek customs, symbols and commemorations should be abolished.

Mrs. Repousi who is not ashamed of being termed an "anti-Greek" because she believes that being a patriot is cancerous to our society and rather promotes globalism and internationalism. In fact she believes that the Greeks should ignore important events such as the exodus of Missolonghi, or that they should also stop celebrating the Battle of Spetses, the events at Kougi and she especially believes that we should stop hailing the Revolutionary Flag of Agia Lavra. In her opinion all the above symbols, commemorations and celebrations are "banal" and "nationalistically cheap", and provide nothing to our national expression as Greeks.

Well... We thought she was alone, but we stand corrected. According to an article on the news site a second grade geography teacher at a local high school on the island of Lesvos decided to re-write history (much Mrs. Repousi has) by assigning quite an interesting project to her students. Her students were instructed to "prove" that there are still "pure" blooded Europeans (and even more so Greeks). So the students went home and began working on their projects and apparently described how modern day Greeks are descendants of the ancient Greeks (bla, bla, bla). When it was time to hand them in, they were shocked by her reaction.

She was so infuriated with their work that she actually told the students that they were descendants of Turks and Arabs, and have no connection to Alexander the Great!
"These theories are nonsense and therefore not acceptable to me. What you need to know is that you are not a pure blooded Greek, but rather are a descendant from nations that have passed through this land. You are descendants of the Turks, the Romans, the Saracens, the Sumerians, the Arabs and others."
Her comments (and anti-Hellenic rhetoric) sparked a heated debate, and although the students kept their guard, and argued their case pretty well, she continued unabated until she reached the point of actually telling them that they are not even descendants of Alexander the Great!

(Wouldn't surprise us if she actually said that Alexander the Great is not even Greek!)

When the students went home they complained to their parents, who in return decided to ridicule her nationally.

So we here at HellasFrappe have decided to give Mrs. Repousi and this geography teacher a lesson on Greek DNA.

(By Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)Author: Constantinos Triantafyllidis - Emeritus Professor of Genetics and Human Genetics - Department of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

3. Human presence in Greece - By analyzing mitochondrial DNA found that examined subjects divided into 21 groups (haplotypes) and evaluated apart for each age creation, the Middle East and Europe. Based on mathematical calculations, estimated that the DNA of Greek origin is as follows: 8% in recent years (about 3,000 years from now), 20% during the Neolithic period (9000-3000), 44% in the last upper Paleolithic era ( 14500-9000), 14.5% on average over the Paleolithic era (26,000 to 14,500 years) and a 11% in the original upper Paleolithic era (45.500 -26.000).

Reference -

In other words... The Greek DNA hasn't changed in the past 3,000 years. Not only is the Greek genetic legacy clearly detectable today, but it is also evident among non Greeks, or in  neighboring populations of partial Greek ancestry. The remainder, 20% -25% of Greek DNA has Neolithic origin and was created over a span of 9000 years.

Moreover, 75% -80% of the current mitochondrial DNA of Greece's inhabitants are of Paleolithic origin and modeled after three migratory events (two Paleolithic periods and one Neolithic Age) that correspond to periods of glacier (from 50000-9000 years).

The conclusion: Simple... The DNA of the Greeks is heavily indigenous, something that has been proven through countless studies and verified by modern molecular genetic reports.

Besides... 9,000-5,000 years ago there were no Slavs and/or Turks near this country! So Greek DNA is European and unique.

And to think... that all we did was a little bit of googling... jeeezzzz