


February 4, 2013

Did ESR Ask Media To Turn a Blind Eye On Greek Reality?

Sony Television Set
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This is yet another story of madness which Greek citizens are rather accustomed to. The so-called independent body, the Greek National Radio and Television Council (ESR) apparently asked the Greek mainstream media to turn a blind eye to those most affected from this economic crisis.

This story and/or rumor of course was published on many anti-government web sites, and some of those tabloid style online news sites. But for argument's sake let's say the story is true. Indeed, Greece is suffering from an economic crisis, yes the mainstream media is playing its own game, but seriously folks... Think about it. The Greek media DIES for stories like this. Projecting misery only raises its ratings. Viewers get glued to their television sets.

In fact TV viewers love watching stories about other people's misery because it makes them forget their own.

Let us put it this way, if a news show decided to publish a report on a new medical discovery, then trust us it would not get any one's attention!

Maybe the true nature of this decision, if it is true, is to ask Greek television channels to tone it down. This yes, we believe. Because most of the channels that are exercising opposition to the government are very keen to over exaggerate some stories for their own intent and purposes.

But to turn a blind eye on reality?

C'mon... get real!