


February 27, 2013

Authorities Tracking Ghost Co. Who Imported Horse meat To Greece

Basashi (raw horsemeat) from Towada.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
According to an article in the Eleftherotypia newspaper, the Hellenic Food Authority (EFET) is looking for two ghost companies that apparently imported unknown quantities of horse meat in the form of frozen meatballs to Greece. The meat was shipped from Bulgaria and then delivered to clients in Athens and Thessaloniki. The owners of the companies that shipped the meat into Greece are wanted for questioning because the horse meat might not be an illegal meat to consume, but nonetheless it is being passed off and sold as minced beef. Following a request from EFET, the Financial Crime Unit (SDOE) and an Athens Prosecutor are now investigating the case. On its part EFET is trying to determine the quantities of meat that were imported (something which is still not known). In Europe, Eurostat said that Greeks have already consumed 74,300 kg of this type of meat, while an EFET member said, that the actual "figure is ten-fold".