
December 4, 2012

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Papandreou Ashamed of Being Greek - Says Harvard Is More Prestigious For Him

George Papandreou (junior)
George Papandreou (junior) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

George Papandreou is up to his old tricks again, this time from the United States. The former premier of Greece who participated in a debate-discussion with former Massachusetts Governor ('75-'79) ('83-'91) Michael S. Dukakis on December 3 at the JFKJr Forum, found it very difficult to proudly say that he was of Greek decent and boldly said the incredible: At customs they show more interest in the fact that I am a professor at Harvard, despite the fact that I carry a diplomatic passport which states that I am the former prime minister of Greece.

We will not stand at the statement he made, because it can or cannot be true.

What we should all be rather concentrating on is his persistent negative hammering of the Greek people and the continued defaming of our country. It is obvious that this man, who was once the premier of Greece, is "ashamed" that he is a Greek citizen, and now he is not even doing the "politically correct" thing of hiding it... he is boldly telling people about it and trying to pass himself off as a Harvard Professor when we all know he is a "visiting Fellow" and nothing more! For God Sake's he is a Social Worker!!!!!

The big question now, which turns this whole thing political, is whether or not this man has a right to be part of the Greek Parliament. Seriously, when you work in another country, and when you publicly claim and leave it to be understood that you are more or less ashamed of your ethnic background, then do you have a right to be part of the Greek Parliament? And most importantly do you have a right to continue being paid by the Greek people when you are never here?

We think the answers are obvious... therefore we here at hellasfrappe believe that PASOK should start cleaning up its own house before it attacks other democratically elected parties.

Oh... and in case you are wondering what he and Mr. Dukakis discussed, well the little information that was published early on Tuesday about this forum claims that Papandreou attempted to tackle two issues simultaneously: The economic crisis and the phenomenon of climate change. Two subjects that we all know are the most talked about issues around the dinner tables at the Rothschilds and the Soros homes. And two subjects which we also know are connected to all the scandals surrounding his family, the bond market, hedge funds and the CDS case that is currently being investigated in Greece.

Some parts of this article were translated in English from defencenet

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