


December 15, 2012

Gay Porn Star Encourages People To “Blow up”, Golden Dawn Offices Beacuse They Are Holding Food Drives

Much attention has been aroused by anti-Greek forces in America after the CBC reported about the Golden Dawn in the large Greek community of Chicago. The party itself, according to a press release, is making sure to painstakingly observe social media and dangerous activities, as it is a tool terrorists use for organizing violence against people taking part in legal and legitimate activities.

For instance, its obvious that Twitter openly allows individuals like the above to instigate violence against Greeks (and only Greeks) who are concerned with political issues in their homeland, but it is not as fair with Greeks who rally for Greeks.  According to Golden Dawn International two of its member-twitters were banned from the social networks, despite acting civil and respectful (even when the trolls wouldn’t let up).

The Golden Dawn party is simply trying to help their own people. Why is it so unspeakable for Greeks to help Greeks?

Editor's Note - And then the world asks itself why the Golden Dawn party is increasing its numbers everyday. The answer is simple... Leftist progressives have to stop slamming a legitimate political party. They cannot openly threaten a group of people just because of what they believe in. Why are they not attacking the Pedophile party? Or extreme leftist anarchists who vandalize or spread chaos? Why this particular party? Why are they so threatened by the Golden Dawn party? Is it because this party encourages patriotism? Something which we all know the globalists do not like. Friends, this is undemocratic. There is nothing wrong with helping the people of ones homeland. As a North-American I have seen this many, many times. When people of Jewish faith help people in their homeland, its ok... or when Italians hold charity drives for people in their country its ok... so why is it not ok for anyone to help the Greeks? Especially Greeks? Is it because they do not want us to be helped? Is it because the "system" has other plans for this country? This Editor is really starting to get angry. I am a conservative, and have supported the conservatives for as long as I can remember... and do not -repeat do not- support Golden Dawn, but I am also an advocate for human rights, and I cannot accept leftist-style propaganda either. What is good for the goose is not good for the gander? Why isn't anyone insulted by what this individual said? Is it because when it comes from the Left its ok... but when it comes from the right its Nazi? Give me a break... This is hogwash. There is nothing wrong with Greek people helping people in their homeland. In fact I as a Greek encourage it. And finally, the "system" better try something else in discouraging voters from turning to Golden Dawn. If they begin including this political party -which has the support of over 500,000 people in Greece- in decision making, and stop isolating it, maybe the phenomenon will deflate, until then expect them to continue rising in fame. We have had enough with Leftist wannabes, especially in Greece. Over the past 30 years they have fattened their wallets at the expense of all of us, and at the same time speak of "sharing the wealth". Who are they kidding? You cannot own a yacht and then look at a starving family and say "I understand you" now can you? As a true advocate of democracy and the Greek Constitution, I cannot accept people who do not honor and respect their nation. If that is what this "progressive ideology" encourages then so be it... but they better keep their distance with people such as myself and many, many others who truly love their nation, are not extremists, do not support the Golden Dawn party but are true patriots and advocates of a proud Constitution.