


November 9, 2012

Sex Brothels On A Role - Donation To Patras School Rejected

Greek brothels are on a role, making us believe that many are indeed "living their myths" in Greece (wink, wink). After funding a soccer team in Larissa, a separate brothel in Patras, sensitive to the needs of a local school there, raised much criticism this past week when it decided to donate a copy machine to a local education institute. More exactly, the donation of a copy machine to an elementary school in the western port of Patras by the owner of a registered brothel generated widespread media coverage, and the regional elementary and secondary education director here rejected the offer. Believe it or not, the donation, made through the school's Parents & Teachers Association, caused a firestorm of criticism, leading to a decision to return the copy machine to the woman that donated it. Schools are indeed suffering in Greece on account of the austerity cuts, and many will not even have heat this winter, let alone the luxury of a copy machine, but the thought that a brothel could fill the void that the State cannot in regards to the specific elementary could not "sit well" with local officials (and we agree with them). We also agree with school officials, who said in a statement, that what is sometimes legal is not -and cannot- be necessarily moral.