


November 2, 2012

Bishop Ambrosios Says Golden Dawn, The Only "Hope" For The People (VIDEO)

Metropolitan Bishop Ambrosios of Kalavryta, shocked the followers of his blog this past week when he published a letter to the Golden Dawn party expressing his views about their work. The Bishop said that "Golden Dawn is not a (bully gang) organization, it is a political party in the Greek Parliament that is equal to that of (any other party including) SYRIZA. What makes people believe that it's not? Was it or was it not voted into office through nominal national elections? Obviously it was, and whoever does not recognize this is an enemy to democracy!"

Ambrosios underlined that he is not be a supporter of the Golden Dawn party, but he believes that this new nationalist party might end up becoming a sweet “hope” for the people.

He said that today some consider it a "sin" to love one's country, or to be a patriot, or a "nationalist". This is common sense, he added, instead it is a "stigma" that is easily affixed to all those who truly love Greece.

"If you iron out your approach, and allow it to mature, you can become a sweet hope for the desperate citizen and a quiet strength in (an obviously) rotting political system."

Finally, Ambrosios instead criticized the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) party charging them with recruiting masked assailants for violent anti-government demonstrations that he says had in the past "plunged Athens into flames.”

Edtitor's Note - The story obviously provoked anger in some anti-Golden Dawn news channels since the magazine (owned by Nikos Evangelatos) more or less left it to be understood that the clergyman's statements were suffering from insanity. Actually we are not surprised, he and all of SKAI channel, as well as his wife Tatiana on STAR channel have set out to make an inch into a mile in the case of Golden Dawn. They have no respect for democracy, and as far as we are concerned are in their own little world. By the way... these are two perfect examples of the wanna-be leftists we always criticise here in Greece who drink champagne and Drambuie by night in their luxury homes or at some posh retreat, but in the day pretend to be one of us and talk about sharing the wealth. Get real!