
October 4, 2012

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SPECIAL REPORT - Study Commissioned By Samaras Confirms Over 600 Billion In Natural Reserves Under Crete!

For over two years now, HellasFrappe has continuously published stories containing geological data and studies about Greece's natural reserves. We even went as far sometimes as saying that the reason our economy is in the mess it is in today is indirectly connected to our natural reserves and the ongoing US-Russian energy war, with Greece being right smack in the middle of it.

At times we even said that we believed that the reason the former government of Costas Karamanlis was toppled -or purposely discredited- was because of his belief that through pipeline diplomacy with Russia we would finally get away from all the vultures hovering over our country's natural wealth.

The reason we believe all of this so strongly is simple... we go through the news every single day and brake down the stories one by one. Also, we are convinced that when George Papandreou announced that Greece would join the EU mechanism from Kasterlorizo he was sending a clear message to all concerned that we would finally submit. (That was after all one of the tasks on a list of many that he was obligated to execute after being endorsed by the "system" to take over Greece's government).

Today a study that was commissioned by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras only vindicates all our -so called conspiracy- theories about the immense wealth buried deep in our seas.

Reuters published a report about this earlier in the day we decided to post this one from the Slog instead which more or less tells it like it is and proves that Greece’s undersea wealth is deliberately being understated. Following the article, we also have a few other stories that also deserve your attention and that totally back up our opinion.
"I was told categorically during 2010 that American engineers working for previous Greek governments had deliberately understated the energy and rare earths potential beneath Greece’s territorial waters. An entirely different but equally qualified source told me the following year that the EU was fully aware of the ploy.

Ever since then, The Slog has consistently maintained that, behind the demands of the Troika, a tussle was going on between the US and the EU as to who could benefit most from the country’s mineral and energy potential.

Now a new study strongly supports that view.

Greece has “at least” $600 billion worth of gas and oil reserves beneath its territorial waters, according to a new study presented to Prime Minister Antonis Samaras within the last few months. Reuters has also confirmed the story.

Collating all the scientific data available, the study says geological similarities indicate that reserves off Crete alone should match the prolific Levantine Basin, the Israeli and Cypriot discoveries mainly are. Estimates suggest that to the south of Crete lie a minimum of 3.5 trillion cubic metres (tcm) of gas – apparently enough to cover around six years of EU demand. The site almost certainly has roughly 1.5 billion barrels of oil in addition to the gas find.

“We feel this is a very conservative figure,” said Elias Konofagos, whose Athens-based company advises the Samaras government on energy.

The two other authors of the report, Antonis Foscolos and Nikos Lygeros, agreed that subsea methane emissions – and the presence of gas hydrate mounds on the seabed – indicated the presence of large reservoirs.

A study published in the Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering in June in turn estimated that Greece had 4 tcm of gas and a further 3 billion barrels of crude oil at other sites. And one of the world’s biggest seismic surveyors, Petroleum Geo-Physical (PGS), also wrote in July 2011 of ‘significant hydrocarbon potential’ beneath the Greek waves.

As well as offering ClubMed economies the chance to cut deficits caused by energy shortfalls, the growing evidence of Greek offshore wealth reduces the EU dependence on Russian gas in general – and the gangsters from Gazprom in particular. It also explains the desire of Israel to form an energy alliance with Greece and Cyprus…and the original American plan to "amputate" Greece from the EU, befriend the country, and shower it with aid.

What Washington (as ever) hasn’t taken into account is that most Greeks would rather chew glass than be under US hegemony. (The Slog)

On August 10th, 2012 HellasFrappe had published the article - EXPOSED - The US Plan For Greece - Energy, Euro, "Bridge" to The War In Middle East. In it we discovered that Greece's debt problems are directly linked to her energy resources and especially all the controversy surrounding the issue of who really wants to control them. Well the very same issues are all meshed together in Russ Winter's article.
Read relevant article by clicking here

On July 23, 2012 we featured another story titled "The Real "Terms" Of Bill Clinton's Visit To Athens Exposed!". In it we said that it is right to read the fine print sometimes, and are glad that we did not buy into the "innocent" visit of Bill Clinton to Athens and rather suspected that there was more than met the eye here. And we were right! Reports said that seven issues were thrown on the table for talks between Greek officials and the American delegation led by Andrew Limberis, some of which are "hot, hot, hot" and which involve political, geostrategic and energy issues.
Read relevant article by clicking here

On May 14, 2012 we also featured another report titled "Subject Oil Exploration - Truth And Many Many Lies". It features a video with Professor of Emeritus Antonis Foskolos -yes the same man who today along with Mr. Lygeros presented the data to Antonis Samaras. He has said many times that on account of the geophysical data he has many other areas in Greece (the Aegean, and the Ionian and especially under Crete) have the potential of becoming large producers of oil and natural gas following huge amounts of hydrocarbon discoveries. In this article we quoted him as saying that foreigners have been exploring the waters around the island of Crete for years for these very reasons. Another thing he said which was totally shocking to us, and featured at about 23.45 seconds into the video, is that  Greek oil companies were exploring oil deposits in Turkish territorial waters because the Greek government (PASOK) forbid them to explore areas within Greece!
Read the relevant article by clicking here

And on February 20, 2012 we featured another story titled - Natural Reserves For Debt.... The Loss Of Our National Wealth. The article focused on reports from various geologists and scientists who have investigated possible deposits around the country. One such report, was leaked to the financial daily "Ependitis" (on 23/2/96) and noted the results of a study conducted by the Hellenic Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME). In this report, it was announced that Greece has immeasurable wealth in deposits of uranium and other rare metals estimated at some 100 trillion drachmas! Yes… you heard correctly… 100 trillion! In 1998 this equalled to 300 billion Euros... imagine what the worth is today! This survey, was signed by seven distinguished Greek geologists and/or scientists refers to the uranium deposits which they claim mount to some 300 million tonnes. Uranium, from what the experts claimed, is (and always has been) a rare commodity and very expensive since it is mainly used for the production of satellites and rocket systems. In the report, they especially noted that the deposit in northern Greece might turn out to be the LARGEST uranium deposit in the world.
Read the relevant article and watch the videos by clicking here

We will not post anymore articles... but if you want to learn more, just navigate to the menu on top of our blog and click on the category Oil And Energy Reserves. There is enough information and articles in there to keep you busy for a long time.

The articles posted on HellasFrappe are for entertainment and education purposes only. The views expressed here are solely those of the contributing author and do not necessarily reflect the views of HellasFrappe. Our blog believes in free speech and does not warrant the content on this site. You use the information at your own risk.