
October 6, 2012

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Samaras Addresses IHT Global Conversation in France (VIDEO)

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras was one of the keynote speakers at a conference marking the 125th anniversary of the International Herald Tribune in Paris on Friday. Addressing the event, Samaras underlined that his government is working very hard to "change Greece at home and rebrand it abroad," ruling out, completely, the prospect of exiting the eurozone. The Greek Prime Minister said that restoring competitiveness is the only way which will allow Greece to get out of crisis, while he added that a Greek euro exit would slash living standards by up to 70% but it would be very destabilizing for the European Union as well. "I am absolutely confident that in a year from now, a Greek success story would be a boost for the European project as a whole. It will be correctly perceived as a major proof that Europe can solve its problems and successfully overcome its difficulties," Samaras concluded, sending a positive and optimistic message for Greece and Europe.
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