
October 15, 2012

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Mother Shoots Killer of Son - One Dead, One Wounded At Evelepidon Courts (VIDEOS)

According to initial reports, an unknown woman, armed, entered the Evelepidon Courts in central Athens on Monday in order to revenge the death of her 14-year old dead child. She entered the investigator’s office in building No9 took aim of the murderer of her child and fired her gun eight times. The result: One person died and another was seriously injured. The incident apparently concerns a group of Roma peoples that were involved in a case of a child’s death. At the time of the shooting, panic obviously prevailed inside the court area and people were prevented from leaving the building. Special police forces were then called to the scene. The Evelepidon Courts has both a body scan and a metal detector to check personal belongings, but nonetheless the woman was able to smuggle the weapon into the building. That is why authorities launched a full investigation in order to see exactly how she accomplished to sneak the firearm inside the building.

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