


October 14, 2012

Missing Greek Cables From Wikileaks

wikileaks (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

These are some of the missing Greek cables from Wikileaks which were not really posted in the press.Certainly some of these do not satisfy anyone and are not that interesting, nonetheless there are others that are real whoppers!

For instance: What happened with the German submarine deal. What happened with Siemens and ex-Minister Tsochatzopoulos. What was said about the Aegean and what is in store with this area of Greece, or what are the surprises that we have yet to see and learn about.

Some might say that Wikileakes  reveals nothing more than what a common tabloid paper has already, and in some cases this is true, but let us not forget that they have revealed information that has rocked the news world.

In our case, the Syrian files were released including a helluva of Greek corporate names, but where the hell is the proof? This indeed is puzzling. Where are the Alcatel Cables?  Where are the Syrian Assad communication cables with the Italo- Greek communication Services?

Whoever decided to hide those cables he should be considered an accessory to PEACE crimes.

Greece Cables

- US Cables – EMBASSY ATHENS – WikiLeaks -

Arms Procurement Plan 2006-2010 approved – Cablegate – 2006:
    “On July 25, the GoG announced plans to spend an estimated EUR 27 billion for arms procurement over the next decade
    The government’s handling of defense procurement, Papoutsis said, increases costs, “mortgages” the future of the welfare state and pushes up the overall defense budget instead of economizing with the view of offering more funds for education, health care, and social security”

Students Protest proposed University Reforms, Shut down Athens Center – Cablegate – 2006:
    “Many who oppose the amendments have focused on what they call the “commercialization” of the public university education or “surrender of public universities to private interests.
    Comment [US]: “We have long pushed for the GoG to recognize degrees from private institutions, which would, among other things, benefit private U.S. higher learning institutions already here"

Government caves to Student Protests, postpones proposed University Reforms – Cablegate – 2006:
    “In the face of continuing, mass student protests and demonstrations, Education Minister Yiannakou announced on June 13 that she would postpone submitting the draft bill on education reforms during the summer parliament recess as originally planned
    Comment [US]: “The government’s postponement in the face of student protests is disappointing to us: a number of U.S.-based private, non-profit universities operating here would benefit from these reforms”

Southern Corridor Energy Conference examines European Energy Security – Cablegate – 2006:
   “Gazprom’s growing stranglehold on European energy supplies, particularly in the area of natural gas, has the potential to reduce these countries’ diplomatic freedom of movement in support of U.S. diplomatic goals
   Improving these countries’ energy security and diversity of supply options can therefore improve U.S. national security.
   One key element of this overall strategy is maximizing the opportunity provided by the new Turkey-Greece-Italy natural gas interconnector, currently under construction, to bring Caspian gas to Europe”

The U.S. Strategy:
    “All agreed that it is imperative to promote energy diversification strategies that encompass the development of additional energy sources and suppliers to provide vulnerable SE and SCE countries with alternatives to Gazprom
    To confront Gazprom domination, there must be a concerted effort to diversify and develop multiple gas pipelines from the Caspian to Europe

“Turkey’s Role — as Transit Country or as Reseller — Must Be Clarified”
    “During the conference it became clear that the key problem vis-a-vis Turkey is its aspirations to become an energy reseller, extracting (it hopes) greater profits from gas trade than it would as a simple gas transit country"

“The Russian Strategy: Gazprom”
    “Firstly, what kind of a company is Gazprom? According to conference participants, Gazprom's risk-averse business model seeks to consolidate all aspects of gas production, transportation, and delivery into a vertically integrated operation”
    Moreover, Gazprom’s predatory behavior towards potential competitors seeks to expand its reach horizontally. The result is the creation of a “super” monopoly
    Once the deal is struck, however, Gazprom has been utilizing its market power to extract concessions from the customer, whether in new pricing agreements, increased preferential access to transit capacity, or frequently, in majority or strong minority control of local gas companies”

Putin and Purvanov in Athens: the long Road to Burgas-Alexandroupolis – Cablegate – 2006:
    “The Burgas-Alexandroupolis Project: “The B-A project was originally conceived in 1994 as a project to relieve tanker traffic through the congested Bosporus strait
    The 285-kilometer cross-border pipeline is designed to carry Russian oil from the Bulgarian port of Burgas to the Greek port of Alexandroupolis in northern Greece
    The project has an estimated investment cost of 750-800 million US dollars with an annual capacity of 35 million tonnes of oil

Greek PM in Moscow: Rhetoric (Apparently) Unmatched by Deeds – Cablegate – 2007:

    “During a December 17-18 visit to Moscow, Greek PM Karamanlis signed with Russian President Putin and Bulgarian President Parvanov an agreement establishing a company to construct the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline through Bulgaria and Greece”

    “We have told the Greeks the U.S. has no problem with better Greek-Russian ties. At the same time, we continue to ask how Greece can reconcile its support for the Turkey-Greece-Italy gas inter-connector with the competing South Stream project — a question to which we have yet to receive an adequate reply”

P.M. Karamanlis Trip to Russia: Energy – Cablegate – 2008:

    “The IGA, he said, includes provisions that: an international holding company (Societe Anonyme) will be established for the portion of South Stream that passes through Greek territory, jointly and equally owned by Gazprom and the Greek Pipeline Transmission Operator (DESFA)”

Energy: Greeks see Baku ready to Cooperate, Ankara standing in the Way – Cablegate – 2008:
   “Minister of Development Folias told the Ambassador he had found a spirit of “excellent cooperation” in Baku during his March 17 trip there
   He noted that “The Azeris are as keen to work with us as we are with them. Moreover, they have a huge supply of gas.
   Folias said Azerbaijani officials had told him that the country had gas for 100 – 200 years, and that it had extracted 28 bcm of gas this year alone”

TFGG01: Greece’s Business-as-Usual with Russia undermines strong NATO Statements – Cablegate – 2008:
    “Despite strong statements at NATO and the EU by FM Bakoyannis supporting Georgian territorial integrity and condemning Russia’s recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent states, the GOG at the same time is moving ahead with several “business-as-usual” events with Russia, including a visit this week of a Russian defense industry team to discuss arms purchases, the impending Parliamentary ratification of the South Stream gas pipeline deal with Russia, and co-sponsorship with Russia of a major cultural event marking 180 years of Greek-Russian diplomatic relations

    Embassy will continue to press the GOG to delay or cancel these events to avoid undercutting NATO and EU positions”

U.S./Greece Mil-to-Mil Cooperation: the Good, the Bad, and the Necessary – Cablegate – 2008:
   "The Greeks currently tend to overstate both their contributions and their importance to the United States, and there is no need to accept the Greek hyperbole. But some of the facts of this cooperation speak for themselves
   The GOG has proven to be a very cooperative partner at Souda Bay, though it does not advertise this for domestic political reasons”

MOD Venizelos lays out Views before Parliament – Cablegate – 2009:
    “New Minister of Defense Evangelos Venizelos recently told Parliament that he will take an “extremely cautious” view towards NATO’s Strategic Concept, that he wants to avoid Aegean tensions but will resist flagrant Turkish violations of international law and threats of violence, and that he wants to reduce defense spending to average OSCE levels”
Source - insomniacs2