


October 9, 2012

Merkel, Samaras Press Conference Transcript

ANTONIS SAMARAS - "Europe is a common house for all of us...We will enact the measures which we should have enacted long ago. I told Merkel that the Greek people are bleeding this moment, but that I am sticking to the plan. We don't ask for favors. Merkel showed respect for the sacrifices we have made, and says that they must not go to waste. Greece has turned a page, and that her image in the international press has improved significantly. our dignity has increased, and Merkel's visit shows this. Greece will come out of the crisis stronger."

ANGELA MERKEL - "The period that Greece is passing is very difficult. a large part of the road has been traveled. despite the difficulty of this, it is worthwhile for Greece to finish what it has started, otherwise things will be even harder. We do this so that our children and grandchildren can live in a better place. Of course, we are not the representatives from troika, but what we can do is give some encouragement."

The statements were followed by questions from the press.

JOURNALIST 1: "Unemployment is the biggest problem we face in Greece. Other than saving the patient, who is called Greece, can you tell us if this patient will be able to get out of bed, and walk, even run?"

ANGELA MERKEL "We have a common currency. If one is not well in this currency, then everyone is not well. Important steps have been taken, but we have not yet finished. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

JOURNALIST 2 - "What is the purpose of your visit and what do you think that it means to people?" 
MERKEL - "I came here to understand the situation on the ground. Close contact leads to greater understanding. What the visit means to Greeks, I don't know."
SAMARAS - "Merkel's visit breaks an isolation that Greece was experiencing up until this moment." (AMNA)