


October 12, 2012

LAGARDE LIST: Justice Closes In On Evangelos The Large!

Evangelos Venizelos, Minister for National Def...
Evangelos Venizelos, Minister for National Defence Cropped from a picture originally posted to Flickr as Πρώτη συνεδρίαση Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Special prosecutors say USB-stick that PASOK leader Evagelos Venizelos gave them is "incomplete and probably tampered with".

In an act of sweet revenge for all the back-stabbing and instability meted out by his Coalition partner Evangelos Venizelos, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Thursday accepted the opinion of special SDOE investigator Stylianos Stasinopoulos that the USB stick handed over by Venizelos had been doctored. Stasinopoulos comes from the same region of Greece as Samaras, and was personally appointed by the Greek leader to head the financial crimes squad (SDOE).

At the behest of Samaras, Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras is to ask French officials to deliver the original list of 1,991 Greeks with $1.95 billion in deposits in the Geneva branch of HSBC Bank. This could very seriously implicate Venizelos as a conspirator to pervert the course of justice. Given the motivation Samaras now has to bury The Fat One once and for all, we may at last see justice done….as opposed to the customarily liberal use of white paint.

The original disk is still missing, whereabouts unknown.

Also missing entirely from the record is Christine Largarde’s explanation as to why TF she gave the list to Venizelos’s predecessor George Papakonstantinou at some time during 2010.

After Stournaras said the original CD had gone missing, Venizelos turned up with a memory stick but it was reported he handed it over without making a copy and that special financial prosecutors Grigoris Peponis and Spyros Mouzakitis doubt it is either complete or authentic and want the original along with all verifying documents.

At the time he failed to act upon the list’s contents, Evangelos Balloonolopolus was doubling the income and property taxes levied upon ordinary Greeks.

Sources in Athens last night suggested to The Slog that PASOK will almost certainly now move to dump Venizelos before his guilt gets any more apparent. (The Slog)