


October 13, 2012

Citizen Lawsuits Against BIG Names in Gov't Make Their Way to Parliament

English: The Greek Parliament in Athens
English: The Greek Parliament in Athens (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Several citizen lawsuits have finally made their way to Parliament, against some pretty heavy names in government. Hopefully more information will be leaked in the following few days, but for now, and according to what was revealed on the blog sphere, all we know is that the following cases will be opening up for discussion.

Law suits have been filed:
  • by the Golden Dawn party against Minister of Citizen Protection Nikos Dendias
  • by Dorylaiou Klapakis against Former Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, Former PM George Papandreou, Present PM Antonis Samaras and against Former Ministers Evangelos Venizelos, George Papakonstantinou, Costas Skandalidis, Prokopis Pavlopoulos and Nick Sifounakis.
  • by Dora Kritikopoula against former Prime Minister George Papandreou, former Minister of Economy G. Papakonstantinou and the Cabinet members and Ministers who voted for both memorandums.
  • by Aristides Tsiantis Against present Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos (for the time he served as Minister of Health -several years ago).
Source in Greek - olympia