
September 5, 2012

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Varoufakis Comments On Alleged 6-Day Working Week Proposal (VIDEO)

Reports in Athens at the weekend said that Greece's eurozone creditors are supposedly demanding that the government of Antonis Samaras introduce a six-day working week as part of the terms for the country's second bailout. The demand, according to the same reports, is contained in letter from the "troika" of the country's lenders, the European commission, European Central Bank, and International Monetary Fund that was leaked to the press.

In the letter, the officials policing Greece's compliance with the austerity package imposed in return for the bailout insist on radical labour market reforms, from minimum wages to overtime limits to flexible working hours, that are likely to worsen the standoff between the government and organised labour in Greece.

Commenting on these reports was Professor Yiannis Varoufakis.

Asked if Greek people would welcome such a decision, Varoufakis said that they honeymoon period between the state and the citizen is over, and it is almost certain, without any doubt, that such a measure would only cause chaos. (We agree)

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