


September 9, 2012

SHOCKING - Greek Flags "Too "Nationalistic" To Be Raised At The Acropolis - Oh Really? (VIDEO)

A group of citizens got together on Sunday on top of the Acropolis and held up several Greek national flags as well as sang the Greek national anthem in protest to what should be termed too nationalistic... and what should not. Is hanging the flag on top of the Greek Parliament too nationalistic, or is singing the Greek national anthem at an Olympic sport considered extreme? Obviously its not. So why would this be considered "too nationalistic" on top of the GREEK Acropolis?

According to a Greek archaeologist it is!

It is actually a law that dates back to 1981 (Yes... the same year Andreas Papandreou came back to Greece and began to shake people up in what he had said was the "progressive era". Yes, the same Papandreou who was funded by Rockefeller to form PASOK so that democracy can die in Greece! ) And it forbids the raising of national flags in ancient sites.

The video starts off with a tourist who wanted to snap a photo of herself in front of the Acropolis holding the Greek national flag. An employee (certainly of the "progressive sort") from the site immediately attempted to stop her claiming that holding up the Greek national flag at the Acropolis is too nationalistic... (?) and against the law!!!!.

Sounds ridiculous... well you are right. It is!

As you will see in the video, the citizens who took part in this mini-protest do not look like thugs, and certainly do not appear to be part of some extremist party. In fact they look and sound like normal everyday citizens.

And as normal everyday GREEK citizens, they have every right to hold up the Greek national flag anywhere they see fit, as well as sing the national anthem wherever they please!

Something has to be done right away to get rid of this law... and although Hellasfrappe has never done this before, this is one law that most certainly needs to be defied. If we allow people such as this archaeologist to continue to preach to us when its proper and when its not to raise the Greek national flag, then we are simply doomed. When we are apathetic to the laws that operate this country, and only concentrate on ourselves, then we allow all sorts of agendas (that are clearly anti-Hellene) to survive.

And most importantly, if we allow people to label us as "nationalists" for simply loving our country and holding it in high regard then we deserve everything the NWO and "progressive laws" want to serve us.

Friends, it is people like her (metaphorically speaking) that probably are the statistical one in four who are against the State's decision to probe into why we allowed the IMF to come to Greece. (yes... you read correctly, such people actually exist).

Once again hellasfrappe has proved that our greatest enemy is only ourselves. It is people such as her who have poisoned our nation's future generations and at the same time cultivated an "anti-Hellenistic" philosophy which considered the word "patriot" a no-no all these years.

UNITY, UNITY, UNITY... This is our nation's only weapon that can guarantee its survival and the only way we as Greeks in Greece and abroad can ensure that everything we know of from our culture will continue to exist for our children and all future generations.

Geez... The only other person that we can think of that loathes anything Greek that much is Kissinger himself. And oh boy he is probably getting a kick out all the work he has done here.