


September 2, 2012

PROVOCATION: Video From Albanian Extremists - F**ck Greece I Love You Albania

One word - Disgusting!

There are forces in Albania that are trying to create a climate of negativity between Athens and Tirana. The Greek people have already witnessed this with the issue of FYROM, and are now experiencing the same methods being used in Thrace, Crete, Epirus, Macedonia and of course in the Ionian... where we all know there are vast quantaties of natural gas and oil.

This video is only one more provocation on a list of many which are bound to mushroom on the social networks in the weeks and months to come. We know that videos such as the burning of the Greek flag, or the lyrical piece of trash on this page are directly connected to the agreement on the extension of territorial waters between the two nations that was signed under the Karamanlis government several years ago. We warn our readers that such provocations will continue until the contracts for exploitation and exploration of oil and natural gas in the Ionian are finalised by the Greek government (in September), we will be witnessing many such provocations. We also want to remind our readers that Turkey has a interest in abolishing this agreement and from what has been reported already has influenced many officials in Albania to re-negotiate it.  The important thing to ponder over is what does Turkey hope to gain from all this? Well we have covered the subject extensively here on hellasfrappe but we will give it to you in a nutshell. By getting Albania under its wing, Ankara wants to achieve an encirclement of Greece, having permanent defensive operations that begin in Albania and reach the deepest end of the Eastern Mediterranean!  

Read more about this in a related article that was featured more than a year ago here on hellasfrappe by clicking here.

We also remind our readers that SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras is in favor of its renegotiation... against Greek interests! Ahead of the May 6 elections, and In an interview with Albanian journalist Niko Ago from the SHQIP newspaper, leader of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) Alexis Tsipras said that he was planning to renegotiate.a deal that was signed between Greece and Albania to delineate the continental shelf and maritime borders in the Ionian Sea, where the two neighboring countries' frontiers converge. The agreement, was signed in April 2009 by the then Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis and his counterpart Sali Berisha. Socialist opposition leader Edi Rama (and friend to George Papandreou) said at the time that the deal lacked transparency and was damaging to Albania’s sovereignty. As such, six parties filed an appeal with the country’s Constitutional Court to stop the accord from being approved. The Socialists’ campaign in Albania was part of a wider effort to challenge Berisha’s government, and at the same time the Socialists (or the PASOK party) in Greece were staging a full-fledged mud slinging war against Karamanlis as well.

Read more about this here - SPECIAL REPORT - Why Does SYRIZA Want To Renegotiate EEZ Agreement With Albania?

Read this article as well - Tsipras Lays Out Economic Policy, But Ignores Talking About National Issues
