


September 3, 2012

CONSPIRACY - Martial Law Fears Grow On Rumors Of Plot To Overthrow Obama



A report issued by the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (MTC) circulating in the Kremlin states that General Staff officers were warned last week by their American counterparts at the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) that the threat to overthrow President Obama by “certain elements” within the US Military is “nearer than first thought” and could very well cause a state of martial law to be declared in the United States.

Russian officers reporting to the Kremlin on this shocking turn of events were training with US and Canadian military personal at NORAD during their annual Vigilant Eagle terror exercise and noted that this is the second warning they’ve received this summer about the plan to overthrow Obama, and as we previously reported in our 20 July report US Military Reveals Coup Plan To Topple Obama.

To the underlying reason these dissident elements within the US military are planning to overthrow Obama we had, likewise, noted in our 22 July report Obama Plan To Shatter “Permanent War Economy” Panics Global Elites.

The details relating to the United States building of Permanent War Economy in the aftermath of World War II were, perhaps, best articulated by the noted American professor emeritus at Columbia University Seymour Melman (1917-2004) who in his historic 1976 book titled The Permanent War Economy: American Capitalism in Decline predicted the global economic collapse currently underway and warned of the horrific, indeed apocalyptic, world war soon to follow.

According to professor Melman, who wrote these words of warning 36 years ago, the United States Permanent War Economy would so economically devastate the US, that by the year 2015, over 3.5 million manufacturing jobs would be moved offshore threatening the very survival of his country as its capital markets could not support the sheer weight of a military budget seeking to control the entire world, while at the same time supporting a vibrant civilian consumer economy.

Unfortunately for the United States, professor Melman’s estimates of the manufacturing jobs that would be lost by 2015 have far exceeded his predictions with new estimates showing that over 5.7 million of them have been lost in the last twelve years alone, a staggering figure that dwarfs even those losses suffered by America during the Great Depression.

Meanwhile, and as the American economy continues racing towards financial oblivion, its military forces now occupy nearly the entire planet with new estimates showing 60,000 US special operations forces are now conducting assassinations, night-raids, training missions, joint operations and exercises in 120 countries around the world, twice as many as when Obama came to power, with deployments in about 70 countries at any given time.

So shockingly economically powerful has the US military become, this MTC report says, that in order to pay for it the US Federal Government added $2.33 in debt for every $1 increase in GDP this past year alone causing the Vanguard Group, one of the United States largest mutual fund complexes, to warn this past week that their country is headed towards a “fiscal train wreck” and the popular American politician Wayne Allyn Root to, likewise, warn that America is “on the brink of the greatest Depression of all time.”

A Federal Security Services (FSB) addendum to this MTC report notes that US federal police forces have begun attempting to isolate and capture rogue US military elements plotting the assassination of Obama and the overthrow of his regime with members of one such militia group named F.E.A.R, which stands for Forever Enduring Always Ready, being arrested last week, and who were all reported to be active duty soldiers in the US Army.

Fears of Obama declaring martial law are, also, not confined to this MTC report as many alternative news outlets in the United States are warning of the same, including the influential who in their 30 August article titled Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare: What Is the US Government Planning? is basing its latest warning on a government insider who says “It’s Going Hot” and:
“A staged “event” will be carried out within the domestic US. While many outlets are purveying false information to confuse the issue, the upper levels of the DHS had “a major slip up” and this information was released to the informant. It has been suggested that Obama would save his political image if he were to have his own Oklahoma City Bombing.” INFOWARS
Top Kremlin intelligence analyst Igor Panarin, dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry School for future diplomats, also, believes that Obama will announce martial law by the end of 2012. He explains: “There’s a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur.”  In 2009, Panarin lectured at the Diplomatic Academy where he said that he believed that the US will begin to collapse in 2010. He compared America to Nazi Germany and blamed the US for the global financial crisis that destroyed the Russian economy.

Most ominous in this MTC report, perhaps, is its warning that the overthrow of Obama may be being pushed sooner than planned due to the acceleration of food prices that from June to July this year saw corn and wheat prices each rise by 25% while soybean prices increased by 17%; prices, Russian experts say, could very well see a global war for resources begin as not even the United States will be able to afford feeding its most dire in need citizens.

Sorcha Faal