


July 19, 2012

MASSIVE FIRES - Achaia Declares State Of Emergency (VIDEO)

A state of emergency has been declared for Achaia which is presently suffering from massive fires. The villages of Ano and Kato Kastritsi and Platani were evacuated following an order by the Greek fire department. Officials were quoted as saying that the fires were burning on three fronts, coming within six miles of the city, which is home to more than 220,000 people. The state of emergency allows Greek authorities to call in the military if they are needed.

In an urgent letter to the Secretary General for Civil Protection T. Boufis, the Western Greece Region commander asked that a state of emergency be declared for five local communities in Achia, or specifically Sellon, Argiron, Ano Kastritsi, Kato Kastritsi, Platani and Drepano. The regional commander stressed that firefighters were facing an extremely difficult and dangerous situation, and currently using all available forces but it was not enough.

The smoke from the fire caused problems at nearby Rio Hospital.

More than 70 firefighters, aided by five water-bombing airplanes, are attempting to put out the blaze, which broke out in the early hours of Wednesday. The front is more than 1 kilometer long, authorities said.

A smaller operation is taking place to put out a fire near the village of Tzialo, also in Achaia.