


June 4, 2012

Welcome To The New Athens Of PASOK Mayor Kaminis

The new Athens of Mayor George Kaminis is truly a tragedy. The city which once hosted Plato, Socrates and other ancient scholars now looks like a third-world Arab-central Balkan crime zone. 

Illegal immigrants, women wearing Burgas, Asians in traditional dress, African prostitutes, Roma gypsies everywhere selling junk, Albanian, Bulgarian and Georgian criminals roaming the streets and selling narcotics and dozens of shops (mostly owned by Bangladesh immigrants) are now the only thing you see on streets such as Aristotle, Acharnon and other streets in the surrounding area.

Impromptu announcements written in Arabic with telephone numbers are stuck on cement columns, on shop windows and on apartment buildings. Rubbish bins constantly come and go undisturbed and sometimes there are more suspicious carts than there are automobiles roaming about the streets. 

In other areas there are illegal casinos with slot machines, Albanian clubs (that also offer the company of women) and illegal brothels galore. Most of the people roaming these streets are involved in the buying and selling of stolen merchandise, human trafficking, the buying and selling of narcotics and God knows what else!

Today nobody dares to pass from Aristotle street because the odds of being mugged are almost definite. And if you are lucky and do not get mugged then you might just get sexually harassed by mobs of men.

One huge mess. 

We have totally been taken over by a Kabul-lifestyle. 

It is insulting and disgraceful. 

Is this the Athens you and Mr. George Papandreou dreamed of Mr. Kaminis? You opened the door to a hell for the Greek people. You allowed all these people into our country and they rob, commit atrocities are involved with crimes, they are spreading infectious diseases all over the city center and they have transformed this area into a nightmare.

Shame on you!

We want our city back, just the way it was several years ago, and we will get it.