
June 19, 2012

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Venizelos Insists On a 4-party Meeting To Form Coalition Gov't (VIDEO)

New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras and PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos failed to reach any firm agreement on forming a coalition government, during their meeting on Monday afternoon, with PASOK's leader shying away from the prospect of joining a government with the second-place Radical Leftist Coalition (SYRIZA) as a vocal opposition.In statements after meeting Samaras, who holds the exploratory mandate to form a government, Venizelos insisted on his proposal for a meeting of ND, PASOK, anti-bailout SYRIZA and the sixth-placed Democratic Left (Dem.Ar) chaired by the President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias in order to negotiate the formation of a 'shared responsibility' government.

Venizelos called for the conclusion of the process to form a government on Tuesday, following this meeting, while slamming statements made by SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras -- who called on the pro-bailout parties to form a government without him -- as "politically and democratically provocative". He accused Tsipras of choosing to remain in the opposition in order to wait for the failure of the government that will be formed or in order to cause its wearing down, saying his stance was politically and nationally unacceptable.

The leader of PASOK said that the electorate had voted for the cooperation and rallying of the political forces and that it was now primarily important to ensure the broadest possible political cooperation. It is the national duty of the opposition, also, that the country achieve the best possible result, he added. Finally Venizelos noted that a message of unity must be broadcast within the country and a message of seriousness, dignity and serious negotiating positions abroad. He stressed that such issues were much more significant than who would be prime minister or the composition of the government and that, for this reason, answers must be given to these before there is progress on the rest. (AMNA - Real news)
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