


June 2, 2012

SHOCKING - More Than 850 000 000 Dollars In Aki's Account! (VIDEO)

Certainly the buzz of the day is the news reports that on Friday showed that former minister, Akis Tsochatzopoulos might be the holder of a 850 million dollar bank account in Switzerland. The news, which is undeniably shocking, was apparently transferred in a letter to the Financial Crime prosecutor, by a very well known and prominent lawyer.

Later on last night, and specifically on the Apokaliptiko Deltio news show, veteran journalist Spyros Karatzaferis (brother to LAOS president George Karatzaferis) said that the account was discovered by a US hacking squad that has been probing Swiss bank accounts.

Whatever the case, the number is astronomical, and we are guessing that if Mr. Tsochatzopoulos actually received kickbacks of this magnitude during his term in office (under the PASOK Simitis government) then certainly more kickbacks were given to other Greek politicians as well. Will this can of worms finally be opened? (Highly doubt it...)