


June 1, 2012

SHOCKING - Bilderberg Members Want Ron Paul Dead, Says Journalist

During a heated conversation in the lobby of the Westfields Marriott hotel on Thursday, Bilderberg members expressed their desire to see Ron Paul die in a plane crash, according to veteran journalist Jim Tucker’s inside source. The shocking exchange took place just after Bilderberg attendees started arriving as they were driven through crowds of hundreds of Paul-supporting demonstrators.

Wasting no time to shoot their mouths off, one Bilderberg member expressed his desire to, “Get Ron Paul and all of his supporters on an airplane with a Muslim suicide pilot and take ‘em down,” according to Tucker’s source, which has been proven routinely accurate with Bilderberg information in the past. “That was the harshest comment made but there were a lot of mean-spirited comments made as the Bilderberg boys gathered in the lobby of the hotel,” added Tucker.

Tucker explained that the Bilderbergers are becoming increasingly irate at the resistance amongst patriotic Americans to their program, with protest figures rising at each annual confab.“The program planned by Bilderberg has been set back for years and every year it gets worse and every year they get more depressed and every year they get more outraged – we’re winning, they’re losing,” said Tucker.

Bilderberg is furious that Paul is working to stop the full ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty, which is being discussed at this year’s conference. The treaty would hand the United Nations control over all US oceans and force ships to pay a tariff directly to the global body. This is not the first time Bilderberg members have expressed their desire to see the Texan Congressman and staunch constitutionalist meet his maker.

Paul Joseph Watson