


June 7, 2012

Samaras On Hatzinikolaou - I was the architect of the anti-memorandum (VIDEOS)

New Democracy (ND) party leader Antonis Samaras, speaking live on the "e-nikos" website to veteran reporter Nikos Hatzinikolaou and an audience of citizens said on Wednesday night that he did not sign the continuation of the memorandum, but rather signed to negotiate for its change.

Replying to tough questions, Samaras noted that he did not sign the continuation of the memorandum, "I signed its change. If I had not done it we would be in the procedure of the drachma already. Europe accepted the amendments I proposed. I was the architect of the anti-memorandum. I could insist (in October 2011) and receive a 60 percent (in anticipated elections), but at that moment I placed the fatherland above our interest."

Samaras said that the New Democracy party has a complete program that comes with a cost sheet and a time table. He said that citizens stand to gain from his party's program because it focuses on creating jobs, the stability of the euro, growth and debt relief for all citizens. He also said that it also focuses on changing many injustices that were adopted by the previous PASOK government, referring to the slash in pensions and low wages.

"We are in the most crucial period and many things are at risk. Jobs, taxes, euros or drachmas, successful renegotiating or capitulation," Samaras added.

Asked what he plans to do with many households who have suffered from wage cuts but are deeply indebted to the banks (with mortgages and loans) Samaras said that someone having a loan must not pay an installment above 30 percent of the monthly income. There must also be an extension of the unemployment bonus to two years.

Samaras also said that one his main priorities is to make radical changes to the Greek Constitution so that it can better serve citizens. With these changes, he said, his party will abolish the ridiculous immunity law to Ministers and he will also add a clause that will separate Ministers of Government from common MPs (meaning that MPs will no longer be able to be promoted to Ministerial positions).

On the subject of illegal immigration and crime, Samaras said that he will abolish the recent law passed by the PASOK government which more or less made it easier for illegals to come into Greece and be baptized Greek nationals. He noted that every immigrant who illegally entered into Greece and does not have nominal documents will be deported immediately.

Finally he said that his party will only conduct one probe and that is to form a fact finding committee to see why Greece entered into the IMF. (This one we look forward to).