


June 1, 2012

ND Leads In 5 Of 6 Polls Ahead Of Elections

Friday June 1st, 2012 is the last day that opinion polls may be released, under Greece's electoral law, with the ban effective as of midnight.

New Democracy (ND) was leading in five of the last six opinion polls released on Friday ahead of the June 17 repeat general elections, with a difference of 1.4 to 2.5 percentage points over the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA), while in the sixth poll SYRIZA posted a 6.0 percent lead against ND.

KAPA - In a KAPA Research opinion poll appearing in TA NEA newspaper on Friday, ND was leading with 26.1 percent, followed by the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) with 23.6 percent, PASOK with 9.9 percent, Independent Greeks with 5.3 percent, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) with 5.7 percent, the ultra-right Chryssi Avghi (Golden Dawn) with 5.1 percent and Democratic Left (DIMAR) with 4.4 percent. The non-parliamentary parties followed with the Ecologists-Greens at 1.3 percent, Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) with 1.5 percent, and Dimiourgia Xana also with 1.5 percent, falling short of the 3.0 percent threshold for entering the 300-member unicameral parliament.

RASS - In a RASS opinion poll appearing in Eleftheros Typos newspaper on Friday, ND was leading with 26.5 percent, followed by SYRIZA with 24.2 percent, PASOK with 12.1 percent, Independent Greeks with 5.8 percent, KKE with 5.2 percent, DIMAR with 5.4 percent and Chryssi Avghi with 3.6 percent. The non-parliamentary parties followed with Dimiourgia Xana at 2.4 percent, Ecologists-Greens with 0.8 percent, and LAOS with 0.7 percent.

MARC - In a MARC opinion poll, presented Thursday night on private Alpha television station, ND was leading with 26.0 percent, followed by SYRIZA with 24.3 percent, PASOK with 12.5 percent, Independent Greeks with 6.3 percent, KKE with 5.7 percent, DIMAR with 5.3 percent and Chryssi Avghi with 4.2 percent, while the Ecologists-Greens and LAOS had 1.0 percent each.

MRB - In an MRB opinion poll for, ND was leading with 23.9 percent, followed by SYRIZA with 22.5 percent, PASOK with 12.6 percent, Independent Greeks with 6.2 percent, DIMAR with 5.7 percent, Chryssi Avghi with 4.7 percent, and KKE with 4.0 percent.

ALCO - In an ALCO opinion poll published on the news blog, ND was leading with 25.0 percent, followed by SYRIZA with 22.7 percent, PASOK with 12.5 percent, Independent Greeks with 6.5 percent, DIMAR with 5.2 percent, KKE with 5.0 percent and Chryssi Avghi with 4.5 percent, while Dimiourgia Xana posted 2.2 percent, Ecologists-Greens 1.4 percent, and LAOS 1.0 percent.

PUBLIC ISSUE - Conversely, SYRIZA posted a six percentage point lead over ND in a Public Issue 'political barometer' poll appearing in Kathimerini newspaper on Friday. In the poll, SYRIZA was leading with 31.5 percent, followed by ND with 25.5 percent, PASOK with 13.5 percent, DIMAR with 7.5 percent, Independent Greeks with 5.5 percent, KKE with 5.5 percent and Chryssi Avghi with 4.5 percent, while Dimourgia Xana posted 2.5 percent. (AMNA)