


June 29, 2012

INSANITY - Far-Leftists Attack Greek & Cypriot Groups For Protesting Against "Grey Wolves" (VIDEO)

Cyprus students, together with common every day Greek citizens and members of the Golden Dawn party (GD) held a protest march at the Turkish Embassy in Thessaloniki on Thursday against the visit of  the fascist "Grey Wolves" organization Devlet Bahceli. What protestors did not expect was to be attacked by a group of far left fascists (about 15-20 people) who decided to simultaneously hold an anti-rally to protest against the Cypriot students. At first they began shouting slogans against Greek nationalism and then began slamming the Golden Dawn party, and believe it or not they even attacked anyone who was holding a Greek flag.

Press reports said that the extreme leftists, who were at a nearby cafe (in the Rotunda area) were insulted by the motto "shit, shit, the tomb of Kemal", used by the Greek Cypriots and GD during their protest so they decided to stage their attack against the Cyprus students. What they didn't expect was to be confronted by GD members who protected the students until authorities arrived.

When the two sides began to clash, authorities showed up and harbored the leftists who continued to verbally attack the Cypriot students as well as the other members in the protest. (Source in Greek - Taxalia) 

Editor's Note - Ataturk was the first president of modern Turkey. After World War I. Professor Israel Charney and President of the IAGS had once said that between 1913 and 1922, under the successive regimes of the Young Turks and of Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk), more than 3.5 million Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Christians were massacred in a Turkish organized and state-sponsored campaign of destruction and genocide, with the only aim to wipe out the native Christian populations that were living in Turkey. This Christian Holocaust is viewed as the precursor to the Jewish Holocaust in WWII, but unfortunately the western media never talks about it. Unfortunately, the Turkish government still denies having committed this genocide till this day. If the Greek leftists could not understand why Greek and Cypriot patriots were against this specific visit, then we here at hellasfrappe suggest that they move to Turkey where they can defend the honor of Ataturk and fascist groups such as the "Grey Wolves" any time they see fit. We need patriots in this country, not traitors.