


June 29, 2012

German-Greek Abused For Rooting For Greek Soccer Team

A shocking article in Germany's Bild revealed that a German-Greek woman by the name of Angelina was physically abused last Friday from a fellow German soccer fan because she openly showed her excitement for the Greek national soccer team. "My left eye is swollen, shut and bruised" Angela (19) told Bild adding that the bones around her eye were completely broken.

More exactly, this young mother who lives in Lichtenrade is also a major soccer fan and last Friday Angelina and her friends decided to watch the game between Germany and Greece (destination was not mentioned). They were enjoying the game, and waving their flags, but when the game was over and her friends decided to head to a pub for a beer, someone spotted her alone holding a Greek flag and went up to her for no reason and simply punched her out cold.

Angelina blacked out, and when she came to she was rushed immediately to the hospital. The doctors who tended to her said that the bones around her eye are broken, and they now plan to operate on her and add metal plates around the eye area so as to heal the bones. Also her vision was affected and she will now need to wear glasses. 

Editor's Note - And they made a big deal over Kassidiaris? Re den mas xezete leo ego....

(Check out article on bild in German language at this link: