


June 28, 2012

FYROManians Baptize Greece As The "Former Ottoman Greek Republic"

Stupidity at its all time best

The unofficial pro-government news agency in Skopje "MINA" decided to conduct a survey where it is asking its readers to vote on what they think FYROM should do on the automobiles that enter their country with the abbreviations GR (for Greece). The survey is FYROM's way to strike back at Greek authorities who have been turning back FYROManian cars with liscene plates containing the initials "MK" (for Macedonia) at the Nike, Evzones and Dojran boarder crossings simply because it is a direct violation of the Greek-FYROM itnerim agreement of 1996. All the automobiles that refuse a temporary sticker that says FYROM (and that covers the "MK" sign) are usually not allowed into Greece, and those that accept the sticker are allowed to enter into our country. This practise has been going on since the interim agreement was signed, because Greece does not recognize FYROM as "Macedonia". If it begins accepting cars with these initials then its almost like admitting that we accept the name "Macedonia"... and we don't! That is why the MINA website asked its readers to vote on what they think a proper sticker would be if they did the same with Greek automobiles who were entering their country. The trouble is... we are not the ones breaching the interim accord... So this survey is just another tool by FYROM to polarize its citizens against Greece. The question, and especially the answers, are indeed very provocative... take a look.
  • a former Ottoman Greek Republic
  • b.Modern Greek bankrupt Republic
  • c Southern Macedonia
  • d.Monetary Protectorate of the European Union
  • e German Province of Greece
Want to know which answer is leading the pack: - Why its the "The "Former Ottoman Greek Republic" of course. (Like we would never of guessed...)

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