
May 24, 2012

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Tsipras Says Greece needs Gov't To Represent It With Dignity

Greece needs a government that can represent it worthily and with dignity in Europe, Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) leader Alexis Tsipras said on Thursday, after a meeting with several labor federations and trade unions, while he also lashed out against New Democracy (ND) leader Antonis Samaras and PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos, calling them the "physical perpetrators and moral instigators and accomplices in the tragedy of the Greek people". Tsipras said that Greece needs a leadership capable of going abroad and not saying what the foreign leaders are prepared to hear, but what the Greek people want to be said, a leadership that puts 'red lines', drafts strategy, demands the rights of the Greek people, "which only a government of the Left can do". He said that up until May 6 everyone was saying that the Memorandum-related laws must be implemented and that there could be no negotiation, "but those laws did not come to save the country and the economy, only the interests of the Greek businessmen". (AMNA)

Editor's Note - We are certainly not supporters of SYRIZA, because we disagree with many of its policies, however, we like that Tsipras is not "politically correct" about what he says and does and has the "guts" to speak up without using a lot of plastic mumbo jumbo. Some of our other political leaders should adopt this... because we personally feel this is what people want to hear. Indeed, Greece needs a government that can represent it with dignity in Europe, but Mr. Tsipras if you come into government then we know that you will legalize the millions of illegal immigrants who are currently living illegally in Greece, and that you will support FYROM on the name dispute with Greece which goes against our country's foreign policy. If this happens, then we will not only have dignity in Europe, but we will not have any dignity at home either! Practice what you preach Sir!
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