


May 29, 2012

Report Says FYROM Circles Now Want To Change Strategy On Name

According to the FYROM newspaper "Focus" political circles in the former Yugoslav Republic have actually begun to discuss adopting a new policy line that will shift away from the one currently being followed by the ruling party in regards to the name dispute with Greece.

In a featured article, the FYROM newspaper reports that discussions within the Skopje are now in a better position to accept the name of "Northern Macedonia".

The issue has stirred some controversy between many professional circles and politicians in VMRO who argue that if they change their strategy now then the "identity" of their country and their citizens will be placed in turmoil. 

Editor's Note -  Ti Johnny, ti Johnnakis... Macedonia or N.Macedonia is still Macedonia... and Macedonia is was and will always be Greek. Try Vardaska... that is your real name anyway. Aman pia!