


May 27, 2012

New Democracy Appears To Take Lead In 4 Sunday Public Opinion Polls

The New Democracy party is apparently taking a lead over the the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) according to four separate opinion polls that were carried out by KAPA Research for the To VIMA newspaper, ALCO Research for the "PROTO-THEMA" newspaper, MARC for the Sunday-edition of "ETHNOS" and MRB for the weekly "REAL NEWS" newspaper.

ND's lead over SYRIZA ranges from 1.1 perent to 5.7 percent, while its percentage of the vote is between 23.3 percent and 25.8 percent. On the other, SYRIZA comes second in all four polls, with percentages ranging from 20.1 percent to 23.2 percent, and with previously ruling PASOK third, with percentages ranging from 12.6 percent to 14 percent.

The other parties seen entering Parliament include the Communist Party (KKE), the newly formed Independent Greeks party, Democratic Left (DEM.AR) and the Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgi), while some polls also indicate that the liberal Drasi-Recreate Greece Coalition will achieve the 3-percent ceiling needed to enter Parliament.

The percentages of all the remaining parties are lower in relation to the May 6 polls, not exceeding 7 percent, especially KKE, which in two polls has slipped to sixth place behind Independent Greeks and DEM.AR.

?The New Democracy party also polls higher as the party voters consider most likely to win the elections regardless of their own personal preference, rising to 42.9 percent from 33.1 percent last week, while ND leader Antonis Samaras is also seen as the leader better able to ensure Greece's position in Europe, with 42 percent choosing Samaras against 24 percent choosing SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras.

The percentage of those polled that want the country to remain in the Eurozone is still a very high 87.8 percent, while 64.8 percent want to see a tough renegotiation of the terms of bailout agreements and 21.1 percent want the cancellation of the agreements and rejection of the Memorandum.