


May 31, 2012

3 Million For A Website? Defence Minister Cans Project In One Swift Blow

The more we hear about Defence Minister Frangos Frangoulis the more we like the guy.And before we continue with the news story we would like to ask that he remain as Minister of Defence even after the June 17 elections. When Defense Minister Frangos Frangoulis found out about a suspicious tender which concerned the construction of a web site including a virtual tour in the War museum, but that came with a scandalous price tag of 3 million euros (???) he immediately canned the project. Simple as that.

Specifically the project titled, "Emergence of Interactive Exhibits through Electronic Applications and Services for the War Museum" included the following:

  • Supply of computer hardware and accompanying software
  • Digitization services, 
  • Documentation and development of hardware archive AM
  • Develop website
  • Develop applications for e-museum - installation of a tour
  • Development of a multimedia exhibition
  • Project promotion services
The total amount of the contract exceeded 3 million euros (or exactly 3,065,000 euros - budget excluding VAT: € 2.491.869,92 - VAT (23%): € 573.130,08). and apparently it was going to be funded by the Operational Program "Digital Convergence", the NSRF, the ERDF and National Resources.

Obviously someone was trying to make a fast buck.

Within one hour after the scandalous tender was announced on defencenet, Frangos Frangoulis decided to drop the project and asked that an investigation be made right away to find out who was responsible for this ridiculous project. Commenting on the news later onm the former General of the Armed Forces said with three million euros "I can construct ten barrier zones on the islands as well as one in Evros!

"The political leadership that will surface after the (June 17) elections we take responsibility (about this suspicious project) and (hopefully) the revision of its cost. I do not doubt that it needs to be done. But such a thing will not come to pass by me!"

Editor's Note - This is how a Minister should work. Mr. Samaras... please consider keeping Mr. Frangoulis at his post after the elections are over. We feel safer as a nation, prouder... and aside from being a patriot, and from what it looks like incorruptible, he actually works for the greater good!

Original article in Greek on defencenet