


January 12, 2012

SPECIAL REPORT - Greece Will Get Next Tranche Of Bailout Only If It Buys German Defence Systems

Most of the news sites and blogs have been in a frenzy over the past two days with the article entitled "Schöne Waffen für Athen" from Germany's "Zeit online" publication claiming Greece is getting set to purchase aircraft, frigates as well as submarines, etc. In Greece it was said that our allies are bulleying us into agreeing with this defence spending so that we can avoid bailout and finally receive the sixth tranche of the bailout plan. Also, it was noted that the equipment that they want to sell us either does not exist, is over priced and of questionable quality and usefulness! Clearly, the Germans and all our other so-called allies who produce and sell weapons are basically doing their job... the question is what the hell are we doing about this as a nation and what have we done about this for the past 30 years?

The article in Zeit spoke about 60 aircraft fighters (of an unknown price), French frigates for about four billion, patrol boats worth 400 million euros, and a "necessary modernization of the existing Greek fleet" will be thrown in the package as well. Also, the article pointed out that two American Apache helicopters will be replaced, oh.. get this... we are also being pushed to buy German U-boats of a total worth of two billion euros.

You add it up...

Adding to the story, a report on radio9 said today that there are only two expenses which were boosted this year by the PASOK government. According to Greece's 2012 budget, our membership to NATO increased by 22 percent and our military spending will increase by a whopping 60 percent! Guest Dimitris Kazakis told radio9 specifically that Germany is forcing us to purchase 60 Eurofighters in order to receive the next loan. There is only one problem with this... this airplane does not yet exist!!!! It is in a beta version and being presented through photographs to potential idiotic buyers. In other words folks they want us to give them several billion euros, because we still don't know how much the planes cost...  for a product that does not exist yet, we do not know if it is effective or not, and we do not even know when it will be produced and delivered!

Are we sadomasochists? Are they?

Do we actually like being blackmailed and dictated to?

To kako tous to kairo! - No we will not translate.

So they are lowering the standard of life of Greeks, who are now looking into the trash to find food, are unemployed, are sleeping on the streets because they have lost everything and are now homeless, or are giving up their children for adoption because they cannot support them and they are purchasing airplanes which we do not need, cannot afford and which do not exist?

And all this because Germany and every country like Germany wants to fatten the wallets of its military companies?

This is insanity. Sometimes Greece manages to gain out of such transactions, at least our military does, but why are they using extortion to sell us their products by force? Do we have to die as a nation so that they can freaken be satisfied?

Den mas xezoune leo ego! Aman pia!

Kai alimono se aftous pou poune to nai... o re glentia pou exoun na ginoun if they do...

Marina Spanos

(Please listen to the video below, of particular interest is what is said after 2.20 minutes)