


January 11, 2012

Kammenos Strikes Again, Accuses Papandreou And Family Of Making Soros Richer!

Independent MP Panos Kammenos who has formally stated in Parliament that the brother of former prime minister and leader of the PASOK party George Papandreou, Andreas Papandreou is involved in a company that deals with CDS bonds, took an even broader step today by posting yet another accusation against the Papandreou family on his facebook wall.

More exactly, Kammenos revealed that the Dexia bank and George Soros, "rolled in the money" when Papandreou announced back in the late autumn that he would hold a national referendum.

He also said that the Unigestion company which pays Andreas Papandreou, that also coincidentally  manages Dexia bank as well as billions of euros in foreign currency.

Kammenos said that as soon as Papandreou announced the referendum, automatically it made George Soros  almost 600 billion euros richer.

We only have one thing to say here at hellasfrappe after the multitude of stories we have written on this subject: When is the Greek justice system going to finally intervene?

And then they want to preach to us about being upstanding citizens...

Oh brother.

(The bottom video is from Kammenos' speech in Parliament back in November when he openly accuses George Papandreou and his family of fraud... The things that were said... oh my!)