


January 4, 2012

Formal Figures Show 2.2 Mln New Poor In Greece

At least 20.1 percent of Greece's population is threatened by poverty, according to a report by the Greek Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) on income and living conditions in 2010. The 20.1% "translates" to some 868,597 households, or more than 2.2 million citizens. The evidence shows that the financial limit of poverty reaches the annual amount of 7,178 euros per person and to 15,073 euros for households with two adults and two dependent children less than 14 years of age.

The average annual individual income amounts to 13,973.94 euros and the average annual available income of households in the country to 24,224.38 euros.

But then again these are the "formal" numbers, and everyone knows that formal numbers do not take into account the exact picture of what is really going on.

It must be noted that these figures only take into account Greek households (or the new poor) and not groups such as the homeless, people living in institutions, illegal economic migrants, Roma, etc. If these groups are included then this number will surpass the 3.03 million mark.

Here are a few more statistics:

  • The risk of poverty for people aged over 65 are estimated at 21.3%.
  • The population at risk of poverty or social exclusion amounts to 3,030,900 people.
  • 544,800 people afflicted with poverty WORK in the PRIVATE SECTOR 
  • Half of the 868.597 persons who are the new poor, are women or 40.0%, single parent households with at least one dependent child (33.4%) and households with one adult aged 65 years and over (30.1%).
  • Greece has the largest proportion of poor and socially excluded (27.7%) in EU 27 countries, after Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary and Poland.