
November 6, 2011

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Karatzaferis to Propose Karamanlis to Head Coalition Gov't

In a couple of hours, President of the LAOS party George Karatzaferis will give a press conference proposing that former prime minister Costas Karamanlis be appointed as the new head of the coalition government that is presently being determined by the two main parties in Greece in light to the (hopeful) resignation of George Papandreou.

The news, which was leaked to blogs last night, was predictable since Karatzaferis (mixing the cards in favor of PASOK -as always-) hopes that this move will "totally burn" Karamanlis from the political fora.

Last night he indirectly leaked the news on MEGA channel, and today it was announced formally on SKAI television.

The failed (and we would also add extremely poor) relations between Karamanlis and Karatzaferis are well known,  and we here at hellasfrappe guarantee all of you that Karamanlis will not accept such a move. Either will his former ministers such as former Foreign Minister Mr. Moliviaties.

Karamanlis stepped down from government when market spreads were at 180 points, and today they have sky-rocketed ten-fold because of the mistaken policies adopted by the PASOK government. Up until a week ago... they were blaming Karamanlis for everything that has happened in Greece's economic, political and social life and now they are sucking up to him to come in and clean up the mess?

Ha ha.... good one.

Karamanlis was purposely toppled from government from the same "interests" that elevated George Papandreou to power.

Luckily for all of us, and following many classified documents that came to light in various investigative reports, we all now know why he was "taken out" and we also know who was involved.

Mr. Karamanlis is a man of honor, who was one of the best leaders that governed this country and one day when he decides to be more active, we might be lucky enough to see him in a prominent position, but presently Antonis Samaras is the leader of the main opposition New Democracy party and deserves a chance at governing Greece.

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